View Full Version : Lexapro (Escitalopram) induced anorgasmia, any remedy advice?

12-14-2014, 02:42 AM

Man I've had social anxiety and depression for so many years. So many wasted years. I get on 10mg's of Escitalopram, and it's gone. I'm much more extroverted, I feel much better, everything's just great. "everything". FYI: I went down to 5mg's a few days ago, because I was starting to become manic. 5mg's is better for me.

Ok this might get a bit lewd, so... there's no way to talk about this without being direct.

I have no problems getting an erection. My hydraulics work fine. But it's really, really, really hard to reach orgasm. In fact, during intercourse, my penis has the sensitivity of... an elbow, or a finger. It's just not connected to orgasmic response at all. My girlfriend is a trooper about it, but it does bother me. I want her to feel like I am insatiably into her, which I am, just unable to show it like a man should.

I can masturbate, if I have like 90 minutes, and just bombard my eyes with a tapestry of pornography, but I literally tear the skin in the effort. I mean it's really messed up.

So do any of you have any advice on what's worked for you?

I read ZMA supplements can work, so I am going to try that.

I take my daily pill at around 8-9 in the morning. I am going to try to schedule my activities for the morning, and simply take the pill afterwards.

I tried asking my psych if it was possible to also use Wellbutrin, but he gave me the impression it was a weird request. Anybody had real clear sexual improvements from doing just this?

12-14-2014, 11:53 AM
Too personal?

12-14-2014, 12:15 PM
Hey there, this is such an unfortunately common side effect from these types of meds!!!! It's so so frustrating because it feels like we have to choose between anxiety or being able to have great sex or sex at all!! I realize you are a man and I am a woman but here's what I have to say about the Wellbutrin. It didn't help me with my anxiety so I couldn't use it but I have a severe case and needed something stronger than those types of meds however my boyfriend was on some of the other ssri's and hade the same problem and also even had trouble being able to get "excited" which was awful! So he spoke to his doctor and told him exactly why he wanted to try Wellbutrin. Since it's commonly known by doctors that this is the only med of this type to not mess with you sexually and it works!!! He has no more sexual side effects. So I suggest you go back to your doctor and tell him you want to give it a try. I think it's weird and inappropriate that he seemed weirded out by your request. So don't let his reaction stand in your way. You deserve to be able to function "properly" as well as have help for your anxiety. So I hope this helps!! Always here, casstar :)

12-14-2014, 01:16 PM
Thanks for the advice. I will bring it up with him if the problem persists. Perhaps it fades away slightly over Christmas, if not... Wellbutrin.

12-14-2014, 01:29 PM
Glad to help! Good luck with everything! :) casstar

12-17-2014, 02:37 PM
I'm on same med, initially I had no problems...maybe longer to finish. Now sometimes it does not happen unless i give myself a break for several days and get really "excited" then I can finish, I will probably have to look into another med also, starting to get a bit frustrating. Good Luck

12-17-2014, 02:51 PM
I'm on same med, initially I had no problems...maybe longer to finish. Now sometimes it does not happen unless i give myself a break for several days and get really "excited" then I can finish, I will probably have to look into another med also, starting to get a bit frustrating. Good Luck

Yeah.. things are better on 5 mg than they were on 10 mg, and I still feel a LOT better in terms of anxiety and depression, so I am very very happy with it overall, it's just an atrocious side effect to have to live with. I'm trying to take breaks as well. Still working on it. Thanks for telling about your experiences. I will give it some more time.

12-17-2014, 04:37 PM
Yeah.. things are better on 5 mg than they were on 10 mg, and I still feel a LOT better in terms of anxiety and depression, so I am very very happy with it overall, it's just an atrocious side effect to have to live with. I'm trying to take breaks as well. Still working on it. Thanks for telling about your experiences. I will give it some more time.

I did not have any problems when I was at 10 mg but 10mgs was not doing anything for me the anxiety was very much running my life( still is). Post if you find a better med without this side effect. I would love to be med free, but that is just a pipe dream.

12-17-2014, 04:55 PM
I did not have any problems when I was at 10 mg but 10mgs was not doing anything for me the anxiety was very much running my life( still is). Post if you find a better med without this side effect. I would love to be med free, but that is just a pipe dream.

My anxiety and depression went away after only two or three days of this medication. I feel absolutely amazing now. Sometimes though, if I take the pill very early, say at 6 AM, the anxiety will seep through late in the evening, and I am reminded of how bad I used to feel. It's easy to sense it now that I have felt the immense tranquility I never felt in the past, I can compare the states now. Anxiety ran my life for 15 years, so I know how devastating it can be. I'm sorry to hear it didn't do this for you. I've read post on here with people taking 30mg. I would go manic immediately with that much. 10mg was too much for me.

12-17-2014, 05:33 PM
My anxiety and depression went away after only two or three days of this medication. I feel absolutely amazing now. Sometimes though, if I take the pill very early, say at 6 AM, the anxiety will seep through late in the evening, and I am reminded of how bad I used to feel. It's easy to sense it now that I have felt the immense tranquility I never felt in the past, I can compare the states now. Anxiety ran my life for 15 years, so I know how devastating it can be. I'm sorry to hear it didn't do this for you. I've read post on here with people taking 30mg. I would go manic immediately with that much. 10mg was too much for me.

I started on 5 then 10 then 15 now 20. I have had anxiety attacks for at least las 42 years, but it is amazing he dif the meds make, sometimes I wonder how i lived that way, only real downside is when you do have a major attack you don't cope as well. I am happy to hear you have. GF So there is hope GAD guys.

12-17-2014, 06:28 PM
Hey there,

SNRIs (Effexor) are apparently helpful for this (as in, swap to those).

I'm on 20mg of Lexapro and don't have this problem and never have on SSRIs. Perhaps this is one advantage of being female? ;)

Bye for now,
Gypsy x

12-17-2014, 09:11 PM
Well the hell did I just read?

12-17-2014, 09:18 PM
Well the hell did I just read?

I dunno. What DID you just read? :D

12-19-2014, 12:03 AM
I know way more about your dick than I wish I did.

12-19-2014, 12:44 AM
I know way more about your dick than I wish I did.

Haha, I guess, but it's a known and unpleasant side effect, so why be coy.

12-19-2014, 06:51 AM
As others have said...alot of SSRI s have that unfortunate side effect. Since you are on such a small dosage of Lexapro, do you think you could perhaps try Buspar instead? It is not an SSRI and is a gentler anxiety med. It doesnt cause the sexual issues either. I took it for a few years and it did help me alot. It might be a good option for you since you are not taking a large dosage.

12-19-2014, 07:01 AM
As others have said...alot of SSRI s have that unfortunate side effect. Since you are on such a small dosage of Lexapro, do you think you could perhaps try Buspar instead? It is not an SSRI and is a gentler anxiety med. It doesnt cause the sexual issues either. I took it for a few years and it did help me alot. It might be a good option for you since you are not taking a large dosage.

I will bring it up with my psych when I meet him early january... Wellbutrin or Buspar.. see what he thinks.

12-19-2014, 07:04 AM
I will bring it up with my psych when I meet him early january... Wellbutrin or Buspar.. see what he thinks.

Cool. Hope maybe a change in med might help you!