View Full Version : What other symptoms do you personally have?

Gaben Newil
12-13-2014, 10:39 PM
Hi, there. I've always had anxiety problems my entire life, I believe it to be linked in with my autism too.
Anyway, I had a proper diagnosis of anxiety a few months ago, and since then, I've been looking really into anxiety issues, and found a huge range of symptoms that come with anxiety. I decided to ask here about this subject too.
Personally, I get a lot of chest pains. I've read alot of posts on the internet about chest pains and anxiety being linked. I was once having extreme chest pains when my semi-pro medical friend checked me over and said my back muscles were really tens. There was no reason, it just happens.
Something else, is seeing flashes in my eyes. I was worried that these flashes could be a symptom of retinal tear/detachment so I had an appointment with my optician. After she had an extensive look at my eyes, she told me there was no signs and that the flashes must be something else. After looking at these symptoms more on the internet, I read people talking about seeing pin prick sized white or coloured dots appear for no reason, and also mentioning they have anxiety.

So do any of you get these symptoms? Anything else you guys get?

12-14-2014, 08:12 AM
Your health anxiety is causing you these symptoms. This is true, chest pain is present in almost any form of anxiety. One way to rule out your negative thoughts about your health is to take a complete medical examination and not only for the blood. After that you will know exactly that you are healthy and only anxiety is to blame for your symptoms. And remember don't ask Dr. Google about your symptoms because you will make things worse really fast. Instead you can ask here on the forum and your doctor about your symptoms.

Take care!