View Full Version : Some success with my anxiety agoraphobia today :)

12-13-2014, 06:49 PM
Ok so today started anxious as usual. My intention was to drive my car part of the way to the beach where I almost had a panic attack last week. So I drove to the point I intended and challenged myself to go a little further. So I went further. Then instead of stopping I decided to enter another area to loop around. At this point of furthest distance from home I started to fear the panic coming. Would I get the unreality feelings as if I would faint or be so confused I'd not know who I was?
Fortunately I got on the road back and did not feel as bad as I feared.
I had a leisurely drive back and almost home then decided to drive to this used car lot about 3 miles away. I went there and then decided to go a little further to the garden centre. I'd avoided this place since last August. I felt only a little nervous but must admit I wasn't there long.

After I came home with a feeling of accomplishment :)

I feel in my case I start out very anxious but as I push outside my comfort zone I feel nervous so I come back then I go again maybe in another direction and get further.

It's like I need a warm up each time.

12-13-2014, 09:23 PM
Ok so today started anxious as usual. My intention was to drive my car part of the way to the beach where I almost had a panic attack last week. So I drove to the point I intended and challenged myself to go a little further. So I went further. Then instead of stopping I decided to enter another area to loop around. At this point of furthest distance from home I started to fear the panic coming. Would I get the unreality feelings as if I would faint or be so confused I'd not know who I was?
Fortunately I got on the road back and did not feel as bad as I feared.
I had a leisurely drive back and almost home then decided to drive to this used car lot about 3 miles away. I went there and then decided to go a little further to the garden centre. I'd avoided this place since last August. I felt only a little nervous but must admit I wasn't there long.

After I came home with a feeling of accomplishment :)

I feel in my case I start out very anxious but as I push outside my comfort zone I feel nervous so I come back then I go again maybe in another direction and get further.

It's like I need a warm up each time.

Congrats on your victory! : )