View Full Version : Attacks happening more than usual

12-13-2014, 06:32 PM
Hi, I'm new to the board. Just trying to gain some new perspective and advice from other people that have to deal with this crap as well.

I've been suffering from panic attacks for about 3 years now. When they first started, I didn't know what they were. I felt light-headed, like I was about to pass out. I also have problems with blood sugar and have passed out from that before, but this is different. It feels like a weird case of deja vu... I've heard it described as a sense of detachment from reality. During the attacks, I have trouble breathing and get a sick, sinking feeling in my chest and stomach..sort of like when you drive too fast over a hill, except it doesn't stop. I went to the doctor and was prescribed Zoloft, but I didn't stay on it, although I probably need to.

Usually, I have an attack about once a month or every other month. I've had them many times at home, however, I've also had them while driving, at work, and once when I was asleep. The last two days I've had an attack, which is unusual. In the last 3 years, I've never had attacks back to back like that. Yesterday, I had one at work, and today when I got home. I'm freaked out about it and worried that it's going to happen again.

Any help would be appreciated :) See you around.

12-13-2014, 07:51 PM
Hi, I'm new to the board. Just trying to gain some new perspective and advice from other people that have to deal with this crap as well.

I've been suffering from panic attacks for about 3 years now. .

I'm freaked out about it and worried that it's going to happen again.

Any help would be appreciated :) See you around.
