View Full Version : Weird sensations..

07-19-2008, 03:07 AM
So I've done DXM twice (a dissociative hallucinogenic drug found in cough syrup). Each time a really scary and strange sensation happened. Keep in mind this happened the night AFTER I did dxm (so 24+ hours after I did the drug). When I tried to go to bed, I would get really weird falling/out-of-body sensation. It's extremely hard to describe. But I would start to fall asleep, but then I would jerk up quickly and my entire body would be numb and the room would be spinning. I got up to get some water and I was really disoriented and I would be semi conscious. It was really scary and I thought I was having a stroke or something..

I've had panic attacks lots of times but this felt different...

Was this just anxiety or do you think it had something to do with dxm ( a hangover or something maybe?)?

This happened both times I did Dxm. remember this was NOT while i was on the drug, but the night after.