View Full Version : Driving myself mad!

Brittani 07
12-12-2014, 08:41 PM
Ahh I need advise, help, anything to calm my nerves at this point! I've done a pretty good job keeping my anxiety to a minimum. A few weeks ago there was a death in my family and my anxiety sky rocketed! I feel like I am back to where I started, but worse! I know the key to ending your anxiety is accepting it. I feel like I need to find out why I have it in the first place to make peace with it.. My biggest worry when I do feel anxiety coming on is that everyone around me is going to see me have some sort of attack or meltdown. A few times at work I felt the panic sweep over me and in that moment I felt everyone was plotting against me or something. Crazy!? Doing research on those exact thoughts has my mind racing there's something seriously wrong with me. Psychosis, bi-polar.. Could I develop something more serious as I get older? Any help would be appreciated!

12-13-2014, 06:02 AM
A few weeks ago there was a death in my family Grieve, feel it. Really feel it.

I feel like I need to find out why I have it in the first place to make peace with it.. Trust your feelings.

My biggest worry when I do feel anxiety coming on is that everyone around me is going to see me have some sort of attack or meltdown. CLUE..To the belief you must change.

A few times at work I felt the panic sweep over me and in that moment I felt everyone was plotting against me or something.? CLUE...To the belief you must change.

Any help would be appreciated! Given

Any thought that does not feel good is a belief you hold - and ideas - about life and yourself - that needs examining.

Once examined, looked at squarely and with clear thought, it will tell you it's story. The story will be a distorted picture of reality based most often on a child's perspective.

"I am bad, mom doesn't love me, I'm unlovable"

Fear of criticism is your thorn. But I will not save you from the personal work you must do.

Any thought that doesn't feel good, you change. Let this be your guide. Because your goal is to feel the opposite.

"A few times at work I felt the panic sweep over me and in that moment I felt everyone was plotting against me or something.?"

I will give you a hint. And to do that I will reword the above statement for truth ~

"A few times at work, and generally speaking I feel everyone is plotting against me. At those moments I feel panic sweep over me."

The belief "everyone plots against me" precedes the physical response. No exceptions.

That is all. I have given you good information. What you do with it is up to you, as always.