View Full Version : Anxiety Kid Stuff?

12-12-2014, 02:49 PM
Does anyone else get extreme anxiety over their kids' friendships, hardships, etc? Some days I just don't think I can emotionally handle this parenting thing. My fears of them being left out, disappointed, or feel unpleasant in any way is a huge driver of anxiety for me. They are emotionally pretty healthy and don't get bent out of shape too easily. And yes, I know that it is healthy for them to learn to deal with the bad stuff too. I just can't seem to control MY reactions to things that happen with friends, etc. And I'm talking debilitating anxiety of 6 year old friendships. I'm currently going back on meds after being off of them for a while. My anxiety is heightened and seems to be laser focused on my son and his social happiness. I'm really struggling!

12-12-2014, 08:03 PM
I know exactly how you feel. I have a 17 year old and he is a great kid. When he graduates he wants to go in the military. Although i know this is not a bad thing i am already worried about it. I'm sure all parents do this. I just try to remember how i felt at that age and trust that i have raised him well enough that he will make the right choices. You have to let them do things on there own. I have a hard time with this too but they cant stay little forever. Not sure if this helps you any but you are not alone. Good luck!