View Full Version : I am back after a while!

Mirza Fatic
12-12-2014, 04:26 AM
I have been suffering from high anxiety for years now. Now I am 33 and with the help of medication I am living a good life.

Just want to say I am here for any support that anybody might need, please do not hesitate to message me for ANY questions.

No questions are wrong.



12-12-2014, 04:54 AM
Did you have severe insomnia? Like my inablity to fall asleep even if I'm laying in bed for 8 hours straight with my eyes closed, after that I mostly get 4 hours of sleep max. I don't remember falling asleep, dreaming or waking up (it's like my brain shuts itself down).

12-12-2014, 06:04 AM
Did you have severe insomnia? Like my inablity to fall asleep even if I'm laying in bed for 8 hours straight with my eyes closed, after that I mostly get 4 hours of sleep max. I don't remember falling asleep, dreaming or waking up (it's like my brain shuts itself down).

You are so focused on insomnia that you cannot sleep.

It feels almost 'thrilling' or exciting, like a thrill ride. In that context you feel more alive fighting it, because of it.

A child awaiting a toy Christmas morning will be awake half the night in anticipation. And so are you. You are awaiting your epiphany.

So you simply forget how to sleep. There is no time for it.

I am sure you will eventually sleep. Once you get your self out of the way.

Oh yes, and your issues have nothing to do with sleep (you are playing hide and go seek with yourself). Sleeping is quite natural, you see. You could do it quite well. Without the nagging psychological problems.

No more physical tests needed.

Sorry OP I had to address this young person.