View Full Version : I am anxious over sudden changes in the weather and everyone freaking out round here

12-10-2014, 09:02 PM
No one seems to be calkm before this soon to be here storm. All or most the schools are even closing down for a day at least. I dont think the storm will be for 1 day only though? So what then? We are all on Standby to see whether we work or NOT. This causes a lot of anxiety in me, of the Unknown variables and of how the weather will affect everything, or NOT. I hope it wont be too bad. I must stock up on wooden matches. I dont like lighting the short paper matches and terrified of small lighters too, even BBQ lighters w/ long stems scare me.

12-10-2014, 10:53 PM
Do you recognize the things that produce anxiety in you? Or do your recognitions produce your anxiety? Think about that..