View Full Version : Lost My Job!!!!

12-10-2014, 04:41 PM
I recently lost my job due to restructuring. This has NEVER happened to me before and while it is never a good time to lose a job, it really stings because the Christmas holiday is right around the corner. I have been sitting aroubd the past few days kind of in a daze...not knowing what to do with myself and feeling pretty low and depressed. I just feel like staying in bed with the covers pulled up over my head. I am thinking of taking a certification course but I am not even feeling confident about doing that either. I just can't seem to snap out of this low feeling.

12-10-2014, 09:25 PM
I am so sorry trini, it happened to me some time ago too, it hurts a lot especially when you are such good and dedicated worker. It seems that no one needs us anymore. Use this opportunity to rest and recharge your batteries. Just remember on beginning of February everyone is hiring :)

12-11-2014, 02:13 AM
Hi Lisa

I didn't loose my job I have handed my notice in due to being off alot with my anxiety and also my mum has been diagnosed with cancer so not a good time either.

Under your circumstances though it must be tough because you didn't expect it, maybe having some time to relax over Xmas might make you feel better?

How are you doing? Xx

12-11-2014, 03:30 AM
I lost my job in February after nine years with the company. It was out of the blue and entirely unexpected. I felt like the timing was AWFUL, as we had just found out my wife was pregnant with our first child.

To add to that, I was held to a six-month non-compete contract, which means I could not legally work in my industry for half a year.

I was initially devestated. How could I afford to support my family with a new baby on the way without a job?

Fast forward to now. I'm working in my industry again, for a company that I like better than the last one. My son Hudson was born in October. My wife had a healthy pregnancy and delivery. The devastation of losing my job is behind me.

My point is: Sometimes when things feel like they couldn't be any worse, they still work out. My time off work wasn't necessarily fun and money was certainly tight. But we made it. And you will too.

As for my anxiety experience, I realized my job was a large source of my anxiety. Unfortunately for me, I made some bad decisions during my time off to make up for it. I've since quit drinking. I still have anxiety. I'll probably always have it. I feel bad every day. But I march on.

Anyway, I know our stories are different, but my point is that you'll make it. It might not be fun or ideal, but you'll be just fine.


12-11-2014, 05:37 AM
I am thinking of taking a certification course..

Do it. You think life has no depth? That everything is at it appears to be at face value?

The truth is for quite some time you have been flirting with options in your mind, playfully giving thought to more fulfilling personal "work". More fulfillment, more passion, more control and creativity. Recognition for your good efforts.

You believe you deserve more. The confidence issue did not start now, however. You didn't have the self worth then. So these dreams were a precursor. Allowing you to imagine confidence prior to real world execution. Your imagination allows you to tread shallow waters before the deep end, and play with different scenarios. You need to recognize when you do this, or you will deny your hand in creating your life.

You were chosen for dismissal because you finally need to put your experiment to the test. Can you really be more than you think you are? You think you can, and it draws you to it like a kid to candy.

I am here to remind you not to fall into the victim trap no matter the comfort of self pity. Get on with it. It's the next step in your personal development. The plan.

Take the holidays off with joy which is what you wanted (wishes for relaxation, self improvement, several new year resolutions) and get started with those dreams.

Take note all readers, there is more to life than meets your eyes. There is order, period.

Go for it.

12-11-2014, 05:52 AM
In the post above mine, from 'newdad' you will see that he gained several valuable insights from his experience. However haphazard they may be. He seemed to 'fall into it".

I want you all to take responsibility for what you create, you understand. Thus your life can be directed.

Spending less time with your four insidious friends guilt, shame, blame, and pity.

12-11-2014, 10:08 AM
Thank you all. Shed a few tears reading all your replies.

Dahila, worriedmum- thanks so much for your kind words. It really means alot. I hope you are both doing well. Worriedmum.....I am so sorry to hear about your mom and cancer. My dad went through that also but now is healthier than ever. Hang in there. It has been forever since we've spoken. How's the little one?

NewDad and Im Suffering. ..thank you so much as well.... Newdad. ....I could totally relate to what you were saying and your words were a source of comfort. The uncertainty of everything is what was making me feel so down and depressed. I have two kids who I want to keep all these feelings away from. Somewhere in my mind, I know that we will be fine....I just have to truly believe it. I actually do think my job was a trigger for alot of my anxiety as I feel calm in some senses....no more deadlines... performance reviews, etc...

My plan is to rest up and enjoy the holidays and start my certification course come January.

Thank you all again so much..I was feeling so low yesterday.

12-11-2014, 10:18 AM
Somewhere in my mind (intuitively), I know that we will be fine....I just have to truly believe it.

I actually do think my job was a trigger for alot of my anxiety as I feel calm in some senses....no more deadlines... performance reviews, etc...

My plan is to rest up and enjoy the holidays and start my certification course come January. (As given)

New horizons, a new story. New beginning.

Happy holidays.

12-11-2014, 06:00 PM
Thank you all. Shed a few tears reading all your replies.

Dahila, worriedmum- thanks so much for your kind words. It really means alot. I hope you are both doing well. Worriedmum.....I am so sorry to hear about your mom and cancer. My dad went through that also but now is healthier than ever. Hang in there. It has been forever since we've spoken. How's the little one?

NewDad and Im Suffering. ..thank you so much as well.... Newdad. ....I could totally relate to what you were saying and your words were a source of comfort. The uncertainty of everything is what was making me feel so down and depressed. I have two kids who I want to keep all these feelings away from. Somewhere in my mind, I know that we will be fine....I just have to truly believe it. I actually do think my job was a trigger for alot of my anxiety as I feel calm in some senses....no more deadlines... performance reviews, etc...

My plan is to rest up and enjoy the holidays and start my certification course come January.

Thank you all again so much..I was feeling so low yesterday.

I know I am not on here loads, last time I was on it was getting a little ugly so I didn't check back.

She is doing great she has just turned 4 and is becoming a little diva, just about sorted for xmas now, how are your children?

12-11-2014, 06:50 PM
The local community colleges have wonderful career and personal guidance and counseling professional counselors. If its a career related anxiety they can assist you very well. You would just say that you are thinking of taking xyz courses and other issues as well they would be able to put you in the right Direction at the least. At the worst , there are also crisis lines that a person may call for crisis situations and general anxiety too. They are telephone lines and accessable 24/7. Otherwise, if you are currently seeing a therapist this might be an issue to probe some more. Many jobs offer unemployment insurance for a few months to help employees transition from work to a lil bit of financial support until they find a new job or the unemployment may also help place you in another field of training. Also the welfare office has career counseling and Emergency assistance. There are about 30 pgs to complete, but they may also be able to financially help you as well. They take about 30 days or more to process all the red tape and forms completed, as does unemployment. The welfare office in some areas does both unemployment and welfare assistance. not sure what state you are in currently?Good luck. Youth is on your side.....

12-14-2014, 08:33 AM
I know I am not on here loads, last time I was on it was getting a little ugly so I didn't check back.

She is doing great she has just turned 4 and is becoming a little diva, just about sorted for xmas now, how are your children?

Hi G.......

That's great to hear she is doing well! Yes, they do start to develop diva like qualities at that age. My little girl is six and very much a little diva. She is very busy with school and gymnastics. My son is 9 and busy with martial arts, school and basketball. They have been keeping me very, very busy! I am still taking the Zoloft but it has been doing a number on my stomach. Guess you can't have it all! Are you taking Zoloft still?

12-14-2014, 03:22 PM
Hi G.......

That's great to hear she is doing well! Yes, they do start to develop diva like qualities at that age. My little girl is six and very much a little diva. She is very busy with school and gymnastics. My son is 9 and busy with martial arts, school and basketball. They have been keeping me very, very busy! I am still taking the Zoloft but it has been doing a number on my stomach. Guess you can't have it all! Are you taking Zoloft still?

Yeah I do still take it but only once every 4 days but that was purely by accident I was so busy and kept forgetting them then realised I was OK every 4 days otherwise I prob would still be taking it everyday, are you all sorted for the holiday season?

12-14-2014, 04:45 PM
Perhaps I don't need to take it every day! I am doing ok in terms of anxiety....no panic attacks lately...which is good......
That is wonderful that you are doing well!

I am almost done with my shopping. I have to buy something for my mother in law and one more small gift for my sister. I have to post her box later on this week so it will be there in time for Christmas, then I will be done. One less thing to stress about!

I am cooking Christmas dinner so I have to think about that also. It won't be a large crowd though....just my parents, my mother in law and my husband's aunt will be coming. Very nice and easy!