View Full Version : Crazy Fear of getting Oral Sedation for a dental procedure

12-10-2014, 10:19 AM
Hi all. On Friday I have to go get 2 dental implants put in my two front teeth. There is no other option but to have the sedation and I am terrified. I have been doing wonderful with my anxiety and panic, but this week. I am on high alert..not eating well, stomach upset, head aches/pains, etc. Looking for anyone who has had this and how did you cope with it.


12-10-2014, 10:41 AM
My dentist sedated a part of my mouth, by a simple needle prick either directly in or near the nerve of the tooth. The dentist doesn't have to get you completely sedated so that you'll sleep. You don't have to be completely under narcosis when having dental implants. I was concious when I had my wisdom tooth removed. I felt no pain whatsoever. I did feel alittle dizzy, but the dizziness dissapeared. Ask your dentist whether or not he can do it this way, rather than completely sedating you.

Good luck!

12-10-2014, 10:59 AM
Thank you InsOmniac. It is called, Conscious Sedation..I think I am not completely under but should not remember.

12-10-2014, 11:04 AM
If its Conscious Sedation, you have nothing to worry about. Your brain doesn't get sedated so you'll feel/understand everything. You won't have the 'drugged' feeling of Complete Sedation (under Narcosis). Your jaw will go numb for a short while, and you'll feel alittle dizzy, but that's nothing to worry about.

Don't let fear control your life.

12-10-2014, 11:06 AM
I've had that much dental work over the last couple of years (no implants but root canals, extractions and fillings) that all I can say is be glad for anaesthetics! :)

Also, it's sooo pricey here that lots of people can't even afford to go, let alone get implants. If you're lucky you get dentures but there are people who just make do without teeth.

You'll be fine :)
Gypsy x

12-11-2014, 08:06 AM
Thank you for all your responses. I know I have to get it done so I am just going to go in there tomorrow knowing it will be over soon and can go home and sleep off the sedation. I just let fear take over and hate that I do!

12-11-2014, 08:09 AM
Think of it as a 'help' for getting better sleep. Thrust me, nothing is better than getting a good nights sleep.