View Full Version : Hello Everybody

12-09-2014, 08:10 PM
Hello everyone, My name is Shaun. I am 22 years old and I have been struggling for years of terrible anxiety and depression. I feel like I am losing control of my life, no matter how hard I am trying to improve it. I struggle through bad drug binging and horrible contiuous drug addiction. Doing drugs constantly and being sucked into that lifestyle has almost ruined my life in every way you could think of and turned me into a unpredictable time bomb. I would do such desperate things I would never do like selling expensive stuff for nothing just to get a fix. I use to take and abuse any drug I thought would make me feel good. I've been to countless doctors, inpatient a couple times, and even got kicked out of outpatient because of how crazy I was acting and always being paranoid. The drugs helped me at the time with my anxiety and depression but then it became a vicious cycle and was also what was contributing to it. I eventually beat the addiction and got off abusing drugs. All I do is smoke weed now. I still have strong cravings at times to take "something" to make me feel better when I'm done. After getting use to this habit for so long, I became accustomed to taking something, any substance to feel better. Besides the drug use, I suffer extreme mood swings, ocd like behaviors, and intense anger to the point that if anyone even talks to me, I'll snap. One minute, I can feel ok and normal, then out of nowhere my heart starts to race and I get paranoid feelings. I always have a general sense of "society is against me, everyones put to get me" I always worry every public place I go people are talking about me or looking at me. Before, I couldnt even talk to anyone because I was so shy, but I have recently gotten better at not being shy and talking to people, but the anxiety is still there. I act out when I get anxiety and treat people like crap, when I dont mean it, I say horrible mean things to people and do mean things when I'm in "anxiety mode" but then when I calm down and think back its like I was a different person and I'm thinking I did that? How could I have done that? And then I have deep regret over it. I have a bad habit of over reacting to little situatuons and getting too mad when I shouldnt. I feel as if the real me is fighting with some monster inside me. I feel ike I dont even know who I am because my moods drastically change my personality time to time. I always feel like I'll never measure up to societys expecations. Its strange also because I know whats real and tru rationally in my mind, but my paranoid and anxious feelings make me believe the paranoid thoughts are true, like someone is plotting against me when none of it is true at all. I am very scared for my future. I am 22 and I dont have my license, I live and depend on my parents still. I had 4 jobs within 6 months because I couldnt hold them because I get so overwhelmed easily and overly frustrated. I recently got a job working as a cart person at Shop Rite and I've had the job for about two months now. Even doing that is hard because I never know when the anxiety will hit. When I was in high school, I had the worst time trying to sleep at night, and I would wake up EVERY morning feeling terribly ill, throwing up, feeling loss of breath, and having my hands get sweaty and numb. Its gotten so bad at some points I thought I was dying and thought I had to call an ambulance. At the time I didnt know what that was, then I later learned I was having panic attacks. Im scared that I wont ever be able to live on my own or move forward and do things I want and have to do for my future because of my anxiety holding me back. I also get so depressed sometimes, I feel life is worthless, and Im hopeless and I dont wanna leave the house or do anything. I've been to a lot of phyc doctors and have been on many antidepressants, antiphsychotics, etc. I now refuse to take any of those because the negative side effects far outweighted the positive. The antidepressants would make me feel sick and make my anxiety even worse, and I dont like the idea of dealing with that and waiting for weeks for it to actually work. Stuff like serouquel helped a little, but it made me gain massive weight, be lethargic all the time,and a heavy feeling like I cant move, and like I cant feel any emotions at all, like a zombie. Also at certain times I get this weird natural "wired" feeling where I feel happy, and "strong" and confident for a little and then it quickly goes down to being so down and anxious. It changes all the time, and it is driving me crazy. I've pushed people away and I dont want to be this person anymore. I want to be able to function like everybody else. I have a girlfriend of four years, and its taking a toll on my relationship with her and my family. I also have extreme impulse things where I think of a random idea spontaneously and act on it instantly. I also have OCD like feeling where I get like obsessed with certain feelings for a while. I just feel like I'm crazy, and although I have support of people, I feel like nobody, not even the doctors understand what I'm going through. Because even with the programs and doctors I've been to, I dont feel better. I feel alone, and I have no one to talk to about my issues so I thought Id try ranting on here because I honestly dont know where else to go or do. Theres so much more to my situation too, it's just hard to know where to start. I want to feel normal and Idk what to do. I want to live my life. Idk what I have been diagnosed with because I never got a diagnosis, but after doing research Ive beein assuming I am bipolar. I would appreciate if theres anyone that can give me any advice or to even talk to someone who has been through similar situation

12-10-2014, 12:28 AM
Hi Shaun, welcome to the forum :)

Well I've been through the whole drugs and alcohol thing - for me it was mostly alcohol and sedatives (Benzos and painkillers). Anything to temporarily make the anxiety go away. Except at the time you don't realise/care how much worse it makes it.

I think you're doing well to get to the stage you're at by 22. I was about 35.

Anyway, this forum has many people who are very insightful and compassionate towards those of us who struggle with "normal" life.

Hang in there :)
Gypsy x

12-10-2014, 09:26 AM
Did you ever 'green out' or 'got witey' while taking too much hits on weed? It feels like you're overdosing on weed, but it is harmless. It can trigger anxiety. Aspecially if you're allready depressed and you're looking at weed as a 'way out' of your daily problems. We all have Canabinoid-receptors (SD1 - mainly in brain and SD2 - mainly in other major organs) in our body. When taking too much hits either on an empty stomach, directly after waking up, or too fast, it might overwhealm your brain and your brain will try to 'fight' it off by producing more adrenaline by lowering your blood sugar level (hypoglycermia). This will eventually give you a panic attack, extreme heart palpitations, hyperventilation, dizzy feeling, 'passing out' (more like dreaming), etc... However we have no receptors for Cannabinoids in our brainstem, therefore it's impossible to have an 'overdose' while on Cannabis. This proves that the brain won't shut down through an overflow of endorfine triggered released mechanism, therefore the breathing and heartbeat (which is controlled directly by the brainstem) won't be affected even when overusing Cannabis. So you can't ever die from too much Cannabis even if you try, but it may trigger a frigtening state called 'Depersonalization'. Depersonalization is having constant brain fog, not being able to think straigh, feeling like you're looking at your life through 3rd person view and feeling that nothing is real (like watching a movie before your eyes). Probably the best way to explain this is by watching the movie 'Numb (2007)". I've had this for a while and I wouldn't wish this horror upon anyone. After its gone it often still leaves anxiety, because you're afraid that it might come back.

Alcohol can help you fall asleep, but you will wake up in 2 hours and feel worse than you were before taking alcohol. Eventually it will degrade your condition. If I was you I wouldn't even touch it, aspecially if you're allready depressed.

Try to use some Homeopatic medicine (Valerian Root, "Sedistress" or some other natural mental stress reducing medicines). Don't start popping pills, it will only make your condition worse, eventhough you might get a temporary relief at first. Just reassure yourself that you can't die from your condition and you won't go crazy because of it. Keep yourself as far away from any type of stressful situation. Even watching a horror/action movie can create more stress, since anxious people are emotionally unstable. Watch comedies, don't try to supress your feelings, try jogging/walking more in the day (as wierd as it sounds, but it works), drink enough water, take Magnesium/Vitamin D/Vitamin B6/Vitamin B12 supplements (they're essential in controlling anxiety), don't overstress yourself by working too hard and allways keep a positive mind (don't let the intrusive thoughts get the best of you, stop asking the destructive 'What if?' question).

Good luck!

12-10-2014, 09:57 AM
I just feel so alone, I have no friends, I have a girlfriend Ive had four years and I love her but she only now wants to hang with me when I have marijuana or can get it. And shes cheated on me and even punched me a lot and done so much bad stuff to me and Ive stuck by her, I love her but I feel she likes to have the mind control over me because she thinks she can teach me a lesson by blocking me randomly and not talking to me and then later saying she loves me again, i feel its all mind games and im not happy with her anymore, we have nothing in common, but I stay because I think I really care about her and ive been with her 4 years and its all I know and I am so scared to be alone because she is all I have, but I also feel its a destructive relationship. On top of that drama, the desire to take drugs has windled down a bit, but I still have extreme anxiety and paranoia. I feel like calling out of work because my anxiety is so bad. I feel like Im going to explode and feel like I have no control and like I just have to hit something. This feeling is particulary worse when I first wake up in the AM. The only medication I am on now is Neurontin, and it helps somewhat, I sometimes take extra of them too just to find some relief. I want so desperatly to be able to function like a normal person and I want to be the person I used to before I ever started smoking and doing drugs years ago, but I feel I cant ever be myself. Ive had history of anxiety and depression even before I started using drugs, Being scared to death just to go to school, constant obsession over my appearance and weight due to continuous bullying in school. And also the throwing up a lot because my anxiety was so bad. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME :( And I do notice when I smoke weed i feel good and relaxed for a short while, but then I keep feeling like I need to keep smoking more and I get kinda anxious