View Full Version : A better day

12-09-2014, 07:50 PM
Today was better than yesterday. I had more of an appetite today which i was relieved and proud of myself. I opened up to my friend about my anxiety and panick attacks today and she is being so supportive it made me feel good someone cared. I am working on making small improvements but they are improvements nonetheless. I won't let anxiety win.

12-10-2014, 04:34 AM
Good work! :)

12-10-2014, 08:10 AM
The only cure to anxiety is firstly acceptance and gradually decrease the control it has over your life, untill it eventually disappears by itself. Even if it comes back during some stressful time in the future, know that you can fight it off again, as you did before. Allways think positive no matter what, and dont keep your emotions/thoughts to yourself. Stress builds up overtime, untill it reaches a 'boiling-point' when you get a panic attack and anxiety. Keep the stress in your life as low as possible and don't hold back on your emotions.

12-10-2014, 09:19 AM
Awesome! It is actually a huge step because you made a proactive decision to do something, however small, to alleviate your current state of anxiety. In your case, opening up to your friend helps in no small way to take some manner of control over your thoughts. I find putting my feelings out in the open makes them less scary. it will only get better from here.

12-10-2014, 02:59 PM
Thank you all so much! I appreciate the support :)