View Full Version : My anxiety has gotten better but still have questions

12-09-2014, 01:54 PM
Alright so for a while I think I was getting racing and intrusive thoughts. I remember just getting this horrible feeling that would build in my stomach and I would sit in my room and struggle with these horrible thoughts crying. However that has stopped and now Im working on not letting them bother me. However I have noticed that I constantly think about my anxiety/situation still (I never had this until 4 months ago) I constantly think about my anxiety and everything about it. Will this ever stop? I feel like my brain is constantly focused on it and wont let it go its like an obsession. Has anyone experienced this and got through it? I need to be able to think about over things for once.

Amber Blake
12-09-2014, 08:31 PM
I noticed the more I kept busy, the less time I had to think about it. The more down time I had, the more I think about it. I wish you the best! :)

12-10-2014, 12:11 AM
Alright so for a while I think I was getting racing and intrusive thoughts. I remember just getting this horrible feeling that would build in my stomach and I would sit in my room and struggle with these horrible thoughts crying. However that has stopped and now Im working on not letting them bother me. However I have noticed that I constantly think about my anxiety/situation still (I never had this until 4 months ago) I constantly think about my anxiety and everything about it. Will this ever stop? I feel like my brain is constantly focused on it and wont let it go its like an obsession. Has anyone experienced this and got through it? I need to be able to think about over things for once.

Hi Dylan,

Yes I've experienced this and I'm sure most others here have too. Even when the "acute" anxiety/panic stops you're still in a state of anxiety physically and mentally. The experience is so frightening that of course you're going to be thinking about it and watching for it happening again.

It does go away as you start to focus more on other things but I don't know if it ever goes away completely. The whole thing is a "process" and so much of it is unconscious that it's hard to just say "I won't let this bother me anymore". In a way I think that can make it worse because you're fighting it. Acceptance is a big part of dealing with anxiety. At the same time you don't want to just give in to it and hide in your room lol, so it's a bit of a balancing act.

Hang in there, it sounds like you're doing ok :)
Gypsy x

12-10-2014, 09:51 AM
Remember that the thoughts themselves cannot harm you. The perception that the anxiety is harmful often causes more anxiety than anything else. Like gypsy said, you have to accept that this is happening to you, you can't wish it away no matter how much it sucks. That is not to say you don't try to do something. Take a walk, exercise, talk to a friend, watch a movie, write down your fears anything to distract you from your thoughts for a little while even.

I wish I could tell you that there is a cure to anxiety that would make it go away forever but there is not. You may experience anxiety your whole life. The good news is you can manage it so that it will happen less often and not be so bad. Worrying about whether you will be anxious or have an anxiety attack will not prevent it from happening. It will get better and it will pass.