View Full Version : Heart Attack or Panic Attack?

12-09-2014, 01:37 PM
I wonder if anyone can give me any advice?
I am currently experiencing pains down my left arm which is triggering all the common anxiety symptoms..
I suffer with generalized anxiety disorder & panic disorder so any little pain or ache escalates into something huge eg. Heart attack!
So basically are pains in your arm a symptom of panic or anxiety?
Would really appreciate any advice!

12-09-2014, 11:08 PM
Obviously they can be a symptom of both. A doctor would run tests and ask you questions about your medical history, etc. If the tests come up normal then you know it wasn't heart related. How can you get that answer here? Do you go to the ER daily with this same problem and they keep telling you its anxiety or is this the first time you had this or somewhere in between? Lots of factors. I say if you are concerned get it checked out.