View Full Version : Question Regarding My Therapist

Ready To Heal
07-17-2008, 05:40 PM
Hi Everyone,

I'm brand new and glad I found this forum. I have been dealing with anxiety all of my life (30), and have just now started to deal with it. I have been going to therapy regularly for the past year. While I've seen some improvements, I'm still struggling and it's affecting my life. I'm wondering if my therapist is not the best for me. I say this because during therapy, I brought up something in my childood that I can't discern. I remember the incident but not my specific punishment as a child. I thought she would have tried to explore deeper and she didn't. (I know I'm being vague.) In my mind, this childhood incident (assuming it occured) could really be the root of my anxiety. How do I bring this to her attention, and suppose I want to end my therapy sessions with her and find a different counselor. Should I? And if I should, how do I "break up" with my therapist? I really really like her as a person, but I"m not sure I"m getting the most out of the sessions. Sorry if this sounds like rambling....Thanks for your advice.

07-20-2008, 03:30 PM
Hi Everyone,

I'm brand new and glad I found this forum. I have been dealing with anxiety all of my life (30), and have just now started to deal with it. I have been going to therapy regularly for the past year. While I've seen some improvements, I'm still struggling and it's affecting my life. I'm wondering if my therapist is not the best for me. I say this because during therapy, I brought up something in my childood that I can't discern. I remember the incident but not my specific punishment as a child. I thought she would have tried to explore deeper and she didn't. (I know I'm being vague.) In my mind, this childhood incident (assuming it occured) could really be the root of my anxiety. How do I bring this to her attention, and suppose I want to end my therapy sessions with her and find a different counselor. Should I? And if I should, how do I "break up" with my therapist? I really really like her as a person, but I"m not sure I"m getting the most out of the sessions. Sorry if this sounds like rambling....Thanks for your advice.

I'm no psychotherapist, but it seems your mind has buried this incident - bringing it to the fore may make you feel worse.

If you do want to explore what happened to you in that incident, hypnotherapy may help. They can take you back and relive the experience in a safe environment.

(Personally, I believe the past is past. Bringing it up only gives it more power over you, in my experience.)

30 years sounds like a hell of a long time to suffer from anxiety. May I ask what triggers your anxiety, or is it something you wake up with and it stays with you daily?