View Full Version : OCD/PMDD/PTSD/Anxiety

12-08-2014, 11:36 AM
Can anyone relate to my symptoms? I have been diagnosed with anxiety, and PMDD, and recently went through some tragic events. I have been having constant inner dialogue, since the events. My OCD used to be more physical, but now it is mental. I am having repeating and random thoughts, phrases, names, and even curse words pop into my head. Am I going crazy? Is this the early sign of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc? I am so scared, and just want to go back to normal.

12-08-2014, 11:42 AM
Can anyone relate to my symptoms? I have been diagnosed with anxiety, and PMDD, and recently went through some tragic events. I have been having constant inner dialogue, since the events. My OCD used to be more physical, but now it is mental. I am having repeating and random thoughts, phrases, names, and even curse words pop into my head. Am I going crazy? Is this the early sign of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc? I am so scared, and just want to go back to normal.

Take a look at the thread about Schizophrenia below yours (well that's where it appears for me) by willgetbetter89. It seems to be the anxiety of the week ;)

My short answer would be no, you are not going crazy.

Hang in there!
Gypsy :)

Edit: I just saw you already looked at that thread lol.