View Full Version : Subconscious anxious thoughts?

12-07-2014, 09:12 PM
So I've just noticed that I always get really bad stomach aches before bed. So bad that I usually have to use the bathroom for it to feel better. But it's usually when I lie down and read/internet surf before bed. I'm a high school student so I'm wondering if I am just anxious about the next day? Is it possible to be anxious subconsciously? Like I don't sit there and think over and over about school. It just crosses my mind once and a while. Maybe it's just stuff in the back of my mind? Any thoughts? I also noticed that it happens regardless of if I eat something or not.

12-07-2014, 09:24 PM
Maybe you need. To drink coffee in the morning... Might help you to "go" at a different time if day. Could it be constipation?

12-09-2014, 08:16 AM
Hmm. I do understand anxiety before bed, and I have had nervous stomachaches. Usually my mind will "switch on" right when I try to go to bed and relax. I do have repetitive thoughts though. However, that is just me, not everyone will have obsessive thoughts. Anxiety can definitely have a physical effect as well, sort of the butterflies in the stomach feeling. I assume since you are a member of this forum that you do have issues with anxiety. The fact that this happens every night at the same time does indicate it could be caused by anxiety, repetitive thoughts or no. You may be subconsciously anticipating that you will have a stomach ache when you go to bed, so your body does respond to this fear by tightening of stomach muscles leading to stomach upset. It becomes a vicious cycle.

Maybe try some relaxation methods to change the cycle. Take a nice hot bath right before bedtime, practice deep breathing. When you feel your stomach hurting, make a conscious effort to relax your muscles. If it doesn't get better, or if it gets worse, it could be a physical thing that you need to see a doctor about. However, physical ailments don't usually happen on a schedule like that so I think it is probably just anxiety.