View Full Version : Hello Everyone Questions About Panic Disorder.

12-07-2014, 07:58 PM
Hello everyone! I'm pleased to be a part of this community thank you for being here. About 2 years ago I was sitting at work minding my own business lol and I get this intense feeling of what I later learned to be panic. Well from that point on nothing has been quite the same, which is hard for me to admit because I used to be the guy that toughed it out and ignored things like this. I was on Prozac for a year and a half or so then I switched to Lexapro, neither seemed to help me too much. I weened myself off of the lexapro about three months ago and have not relapsed fully. I get those feelings occasionally, for instance right now I'm feeling anxious just writing this post because I'm admitting that I have an anxiety disorder. I'm so tired of this being a part of my life. I do have hope and have not lost sight of it, I've actually been through this before but it only lasted about a year. I don't want to be the person that fails at life because of anxiety holding me back and I don't want that to be the determining factor in my life. I am fighting this on my own right now, no therapy or medication, because that's how I got better the first time. I acknowledged what I was going through and I pushed through it. Which is what I'm doing now, (anxiety has gone away now gosh it feels good to get this out there). When i had my first panic attack I felt so hopeless that I wasn't sure where I was going to be in a year, I had given up on getting better and accepted that this was going to be the way I would feel for the rest of my life, and then I started taking Prozac, and wow, my anxiety level was probably at a 25% level after two months or so. Eventually i stopped taking it in hopes to achieve the other 25% with lexapro, at this point I think it was the placebo effect keeping my anxiety at bay. So i stopped taking it for the emotional satisfaction of not being on any medication. So here I am now, I'm back in college and am searching for a job, getting my life back on track. But there's still a feeling in the back of my head telling me that I'm supposed to be anxious all the time. I don't have the physical symptoms as much as I do the mental, I just feel like it is never going to go away even though I know it will I can't convince myself that it will. What do you guys do to ease these feelings if you even get them?

12-08-2014, 09:07 PM
Fearing the fear. That is what usually causes the emotional piece of anxiety

Anxiety is a tricky little bastard. It comes, then goes for a bit then comes back for a reunion.

The question will always come down to, how many times will you go through the same thought process and think the same negative things before you realise it isn't harmful?

Decide it ends today. Yoir thoughts are not reality and you should stop treating them that way.

12-08-2014, 11:05 PM
Hello everyone! I'm pleased to be a part of this community thank you for being here. About 2 years ago I was sitting at work minding my own business lol and I get this intense feeling of what I later learned to be panic. Well from that point on nothing has been quite the same, which is hard for me to admit because I used to be the guy that toughed it out and ignored things like this. I was on Prozac for a year and a half or so then I switched to Lexapro, neither seemed to help me too much. I weened myself off of the lexapro about three months ago and have not relapsed fully. I get those feelings occasionally, for instance right now I'm feeling anxious just writing this post because I'm admitting that I have an anxiety disorder. I'm so tired of this being a part of my life. I do have hope and have not lost sight of it, I've actually been through this before but it only lasted about a year. I don't want to be the person that fails at life because of anxiety holding me back and I don't want that to be the determining factor in my life. I am fighting this on my own right now, no therapy or medication, because that's how I got better the first time. I acknowledged what I was going through and I pushed through it. Which is what I'm doing now, (anxiety has gone away now gosh it feels good to get this out there). When i had my first panic attack I felt so hopeless that I wasn't sure where I was going to be in a year, I had given up on getting better and accepted that this was going to be the way I would feel for the rest of my life, and then I started taking Prozac, and wow, my anxiety level was probably at a 25% level after two months or so. Eventually i stopped taking it in hopes to achieve the other 25% with lexapro, at this point I think it was the placebo effect keeping my anxiety at bay. So i stopped taking it for the emotional satisfaction of not being on any medication. So here I am now, I'm back in college and am searching for a job, getting my life back on track. But there's still a feeling in the back of my head telling me that I'm supposed to be anxious all the time. I don't have the physical symptoms as much as I do the mental, I just feel like it is never going to go away even though I know it will I can't convince myself that it will. What do you guys do to ease these feelings if you even get them?

I wrote some good posts in the stickies above of how I cured my anxiety. Many other people here have great things to help you with and have also overcome their anxiety or very close to.

But are you sure you aren't going through withdrawal or what is known as rebound anxiety? If you cut your SSRIs or Benzos too quickly you can get terrible symptoms, physical and mental. I know doctors call SSRI withdrawal "Discontinuation Syndrome" but still. It wasn't clear in your posts, but you should never just start getting off meds. It will wack you out and then you will just go right back on them, The way to do it is an extremely slow taper with doctor's approval. Maybe even slower than your doctor recommends.