View Full Version : Lexapro (Escitalopram) cause temporary mania?

12-07-2014, 02:58 PM

I am in my early 30's.

Diagnosed with social phobia resulting in depression.

I am on 10 mg Lexapro daily, for three weeks now, no prior use of medication.

I have never had a girl friend before, because of my mental issues causing me to withdraw. Now, I have found a beautiful woman, and I am so happy my heart is about to just explode out of my chest!

Alright, bragging aside... I was with her earlier today, then I had lunch at her place, and I took my medication with coffee and toast. I left, and was taking a bus to school to study.

What happened when I got up to leave was just... amazing. I have never felt so good in my life:

*Uncharacteristically extroverted
*Highly elated
*Feeling like I am invincible
*Unable to stop moving (pacing)
*Thinking I have boundless charm and ability

It lasted for a few hours, I was completely unable to focus on anything, I was speaking loudly and involving myself with what all the other class mates were saying. Before medication I said nothing and hated them for making noise (speaking, laughing) I could not block out.

Alright... so what do you think of this? Hypomania? Is this something I need to bring up to my psychiatrist ASAP to regulate the dosage?

12-07-2014, 08:20 PM

I am in my early 30's.

Diagnosed with social phobia resulting in depression.

I am on 10 mg Lexapro daily, for three weeks now, no prior use of medication.

I have never had a girl friend before, because of my mental issues causing me to withdraw. Now, I have found a beautiful woman, and I am so happy my heart is about to just explode out of my chest!

Alright, bragging aside... I was with her earlier today, then I had lunch at her place, and I took my medication with coffee and toast. I left, and was taking a bus to school to study.

What happened when I got up to leave was just... amazing. I have never felt so good in my life:

*Uncharacteristically extroverted
*Highly elated
*Feeling like I am invincible
*Unable to stop moving (pacing)
*Thinking I have boundless charm and ability

It lasted for a few hours, I was completely unable to focus on anything, I was speaking loudly and involving myself with what all the other class mates were saying. Before medication I said nothing and hated them for making noise (speaking, laughing) I could not block out.

Alright... so what do you think of this? Hypomania? Is this something I need to bring up to my psychiatrist ASAP to regulate the dosage?

That is not a mental issue. That is the good feelings that come from connecting with another human being, that is awesome! I get that when I am really into somebody. It may not happen every time we are together, but I am exactly as you described.
attraction causes happy chemical in the brain.

12-08-2014, 12:34 AM
You know the reason I mentioned my life situation was because I figured perhaps this is the first time I am in love, and it's quite overwhelming, but I just cannot believe that it is biologically reasonable to have such a MASSIVE reaction. I was basically high. Perhaps you're right.

I'd like more opinions on this, because it's interesting to me, and I am curious.

12-08-2014, 04:43 AM
It does sound a bit like mania to me but maybe I'm just cynical about relationships lol. I was like this when I was first on SSRIs (Prozac). These things seem to kick in when something else changes in our life, so my guess is it's a combination of the new girlfriend and the meds. If you start thinking you can jump off the roof and fly then I'd be a bit worried ;) but this just sounds like SSRIs plus a good situation.

12-08-2014, 04:59 AM
Yeah I guess I should do something if I start thinking I can fly :D

No, I feel great, it's just a concern I had, because I have never felt THIS good, it was more than I figured was possible, and I was curious about what experiences other people had.

12-08-2014, 05:11 AM
Yep I felt like that when the Prozac kicked in and to a lesser extent other times I've gone on SSRIs. They're pretty good at getting you out of depression/anxiety (for some people). It's good news because it means they work for you. That and the new girlie ;)

12-08-2014, 09:25 AM
Well I called my psychiatrist and he seemed genuinely concerned with my situation, so I am going to try 5mg instead of 10mg. The world doesn't even seem absolutely real at the moment... People seem to react very differently to this stuff.

12-08-2014, 10:25 AM
Well I called my psychiatrist and he seemed genuinely concerned with my situation, so I am going to try 5mg instead of 10mg. The world doesn't even seem absolutely real at the moment... People seem to react very differently to this stuff.

Well that sounds like a reasonable plan.

Yes, it's very hit and miss with this stuff unfortunately because (in my opinion) we still know f*** all about the brain. I do think this is a good sign for you though. I mean I've heard terrible stories of people's reaction to SSRIs when they first start. It's always a bit of a roller coaster for the first couple of months..