View Full Version : What does this sound like to you?

12-06-2014, 07:34 PM
Long story short my anxiety was mostly under control for almost a year. A recent head related health issue came up and it all came back. Lately i just keep having feelings of feeling weird if that makes sense at all. Like i have to think about EVERY detail whether its with my body or something around me. For example my girlfriend is sleeping over tonight and i just feel scared and i cant distract myself from thinking about fear. Fear of what? I dont know, im just scared of being scared. Its like im so scared of loosing control or going absolutely loony. I dont know every aspect of my life is circled around thinking about feeling not right and thinking about feeling anxious. Its like i cant escape this time. I no longer worry so much about my health, i just worry because i think so much. Like why cant i just stop thinking and let everything flow around me without me having to think if it scares me. Its so bad that if i doze off for a few seconds i get scared because the TV is loud and i feel out of place. Its like a iahev to have a usual routine and i dont want that. Does this describe anxiety to anyone else or OCD? I just want to say fuck it to anxiety but it didnt work.

12-07-2014, 01:23 AM
This sounds like good old anxiety to me. Even when I'm not particularly anxious I'm thinking about how I'm feeling, unless I'm really distracted by something else. It's like permanent hyper-vigilance.