View Full Version : Please help

12-05-2014, 08:35 PM
I'm having a panick attack and I don't know what to do. I keep gagging and feel like I'm going to throw up and I'm so scared I don't know what to do or how to calm myself down :(((((

12-05-2014, 09:10 PM
Just think about how you've made it through the last 10 minutes.... And you can make it through the next.

I'm having one too. Afraid of a heart attack.

12-06-2014, 03:46 AM
Panic attacks are horrible and sometimes very hard to overcome but not impossible. You need to learn how to calm yourself down and stop the panic attack so you can feel you keep them under control.

Here are some effective ways to overcome panic attacks without any drugs just natural and all by yourself:

>> Breathe and relax. Put an end to a panic attack before it starts. When you begin to feel like you are going to have panic attack, relax your muscles by tensing all of your muscles up in one area of your body for a few seconds and then relaxing them.

>> Change the atmosphere. Changing your surrounding or circumstances at the onslaught of a panic attack can sometimes prevent it from happening.

>> Remember not to simply avoid places or situations because you believe it may be a trigger. By doing this there is a risk that one particular form of anxiety linked to panic attacks called agoraphobia may be induced.

>> Make panic attack journals. Make a panic attack journal with strategies that have helped prevent attacks in the past written down.

>> Exercise frequently. Allow your body to let out the pent-up energy that may be leading to panic feelings.

>> Sleep better. Get your sleep routine into some formal order and stick to it. The additional sleep may help you to sort out a lot of things that are worrying you, reducing the triggers for panicking.

>> Take more breaks. Take time away from things that stress you, for an hour, a day or even take a few weeks on a vacation.

>> Adjust your diet. Reduce your intake of caffeine, sugar and foods that are high in fat. Such foods and stimulants can wind you up so much that you feel stressed out, unhealthy and lack the energy needed to cope well with daily routines.

>> Consider using herbal remedies. If herbal medication is something you already believe works for you, you might find a herbal solution to panic attacks.

>> Consider using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/One Move Technique. This therapy is also known as the One Move technique. Panic attacks are caused due to fear and the fear is due to the release of adrenalin.

>> Keep a journal. Write down feelings, emotions, triggers and anything else you need to get out of your system.

>> Try walking around if you can. The repetitive, physical motion can be soothing. Or if you're in a secluded place, you can rock back and forth.

>> Stick with someone you trust and feel safe around. Talk about what is bothering you and ask for help.

Hope this helps. Take care and be safe!

12-06-2014, 05:58 AM
I'm having a panick attack and I don't know what to do. I keep gagging and feel like I'm going to throw up and I'm so scared I don't know what to do or how to calm myself down :(((((

If your nickname was 'I am beautiful' then that's what you believe. And your beautiful.

If your nickname was 'joyful life' then that's what you believe. And your life is filled with joy.

If your nickname was 'loveing mom' then that's what you believe. And your family is filled with love.

If your nickname was 'I'm deserving' then that's what you believe. And you will receive all that you wish.

If your nickname was 'I'm healthy wealthy wise' then that's what you believe. And you would be......

If your nickname was 'drowninginregrets' then thats what you believe. And you will drown in regret. Don't expect the body to act any differently that is foolish, until, you get rid of the guilt, shame, anger, and regret..


12-06-2014, 04:24 PM
How do I give myself that push? I'm so use to avoiding situations that I forget I'm doing. Being extremely anxious has became the norm in my life unfortunately. I'm so terrified of changing. I always tell myself I'll do something but as soon as I start having an attack it's like I become a different person and will not go through with the situation.