View Full Version : Seeking Medicine Suggestions

07-16-2008, 07:10 PM
Hi out there I have struggled with anxiety for many years and it seems to be getting worse everytime. I've tried effexor and was also prescribed citalopram but it only made me tired and made matters worse. I only heard bad things about alot of medications out there. Tries st johns word and herbal medican but everything so far just escalated my anxieties. I pretty much had it with this problem and want to find a medicine that stabalized me with not the most side-effects something where I can notice significant results. If anyone can help me with suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.

07-25-2008, 02:02 PM
I have been taking klonopin since January 2007 and although it should only be used short term and is highly addictive I think it works well for me. I have had no side effects from it except that for the first month or so I was incredibly tired all the time. I think it was because I was started with a full pill 1mg and not a half dose. I would not take lexapro because I didn't notice any difference and went from being an athletic average sized 20 year old to a fat lazy 21 year old. I gained 50 pounds over the course of 4 months on lexapro after being told that you won't gain any weight on that medication, which left me with not only an anxiety problem but depression. After I stopped that medication I have been able to lose 30 lbs. so far and I am still working on it.

But back to you question. Although the klonopin was very difficult to get off of and gave me panic attacks for a week straight after I have been happy living on a quarter of a pill a day(.25mg). Some days I need it twice a day but usually I am fine with that dose. I would suggest if you get on it to start on a low dose like .25mg twice a day and not the whole pill at once, which will make you incredibly sleepy. You will notice a difference though and it should definetly help you! Hope this helps!

07-26-2008, 05:31 PM
Hi thanks for the response and I appreciate your heartfelt suggestions. So how long does this pill take to kick in and how do you feel exactly on it. Do you mind describing how you use to feel?

07-26-2008, 10:10 PM
Well the pill works immediately and has a half life of I think 36 hours, which means it is in you for a long time after you don't take a dose. I don't remember if I actually felt the effects immediately but I do know I was really drowsy after I started taking it. Like I said I wouldn't start with a dose of 1mg because you will constantly be yawning and tired ALL THE TIME!!! I slept through most of my trip to Disneyworld. I have to tell you though for a whole month before this(anxiety attacks began the beginning of December 2006) I was a complete mess. I was not able to leave the house, cried all the time, and any noise (music which I usually love, tv,etc.) made me have an attack. This medication made me actually feel normal again except for the fatigue.

Although I am painting the picture that it is a cure all it definetly is not. I still have anxiety problems and continue taking my .25mg -.5mg a day. Right now with everything going on(moving, college starting again, etc.) I am really stressed out and anxious. This pill takes the edge off for sure and can make it so you feel capable of living your life more normally again. Just read into it on the net so you know the kind of addiction you will get after prolonged use but for me( I never used to take any medications and hated to ;) this was worth it to be able to adapt to everyday life again. It helped give me my life back but I still have a lot to work on. If you need advice on any books to read about anxiety I know of a few good ones so just let me know. :D