View Full Version : Thoughts/Thinking

12-05-2014, 03:57 PM
Anyone ever notice how much they think to themselves during the day or how many thoughts they have in their own head? Im not even talking about violent or negative thoughts, just general thoughts. Or is it just me and am i going crazy.. It could be as simple as saying "what am i looking forward too," or "this guy is pissing me off at work, how did he get that simple task when im stuck with this." I always wondered if everyone else just walks around with a blank mind and only speaks out loud with no voice/conscious in their head. So am i just noticed how much i actually think and process to myself during the day and it scares me. Just OCD? Or normal.

12-05-2014, 04:34 PM
Completely normal, even for non-anxious people. This is basically the ego chattering away to itself. It's what meditation seeks to quiet down because it's not very useful and it tends to live in either the past or the future. I've heard it called the "monkey mind" because it jumps all over the place and refuses to settle down a lot of the time. Anxious people seem to have a more persistent monkey mind which can get quite out of control. But everyone has it, unless they are a zombie ;)

12-05-2014, 09:31 PM
I don't see anything weird with that either. When you're anxious, that inner voice will be louder and talk a lot more. When you're lost and you get a bit worried you start talking to yourself, saying stuff like, "Shall I go this way?" "Or maybe this way?" "Now what way did I come?"

It's natural when you're anxious to have a similar frequency of thoughts, and notice them much more, even though they're often of little importance.