View Full Version : female anxieties

12-05-2014, 12:18 PM
Ugh so my most recent and awesome anxiety is that im pregnant. I've had this fear for the past two weeks now and it's almost time for my period. I'm so terrified that I'm not going to start and that I will end up being pregnant. With my current health anxieties I just don't think I could handle a pregnancy let alone raise a child. It's highly unlikely that I am pregnant because my boyfriend and I always use protection and we haven't had a condom break but I know that no form of protection is 100% effective. The only reason that I'm afraid I'm pregnant is because I have gained weight recently and all of my pants are too tight now. The weight gain started before my last period so at first I thought it was just bloating but the weight never dropped off after my period. Since the possibility of being pregnant entered my mind I have of course experienced nausea which is probably just normal anxiety nausea but due to my absolute insanity I have trouble differentiating symptoms. Sorry for writing a book here I just needed to vent and ask if any other women on here have had the same issues of being afraid of being pregnant. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and possibly respond.

12-05-2014, 04:09 PM
Ugh so my most recent and awesome anxiety is that im pregnant. I've had this fear for the past two weeks now and it's almost time for my period. I'm so terrified that I'm not going to start and that I will end up being pregnant. With my current health anxieties I just don't think I could handle a pregnancy let alone raise a child. It's highly unlikely that I am pregnant because my boyfriend and I always use protection and we haven't had a condom break but I know that no form of protection is 100% effective. The only reason that I'm afraid I'm pregnant is because I have gained weight recently and all of my pants are too tight now. The weight gain started before my last period so at first I thought it was just bloating but the weight never dropped off after my period. Since the possibility of being pregnant entered my mind I have of course experienced nausea which is probably just normal anxiety nausea but due to my absolute insanity I have trouble differentiating symptoms. Sorry for writing a book here I just needed to vent and ask if any other women on here have had the same issues of being afraid of being pregnant. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and possibly respond.

Hi SakuraFett,

Bloating or carrying a few extra pounds between periods is pretty normal, even if you haven't been eating more or exercising less. Drink plenty of water to get rid of any retention. And of course, anxiety being what it is, the nausea may be anxiety related or even due to seasonal sickness which will pass.

As for pregnancy, while it's unlikely that you are pregnant, it may be an idea to have a plan in place should it happen. If you decide here and now what you will need to do, how you will go about it, the support networks you will need, financial adjustments, questions you will need to ask medical practitioners etc., then that might help to alleviate some of your anxiety - knowing that you have a plan in place and will not simply be lost and freaking out about what to do will be a reminder that you can deal with whatever happens. If you're not on the pill, it might be an idea to ask your doctor about it if you haven't already (of course some women are unable to take the pill due to discomfort or other medical reasons).

Another way you can make life easier for yourself is by finding a decent (read: accurate) menstrual calculator that can tell you the days when you are most fertile and most likely to conceive. Obviously you can become pregnant at any point in your cycle, but there are some days in which the chance is higher and, if you wish, you can abstain from intercourse during that time if you really feel concerned/anxious. Of course, prudent contraceptive practices must remain in place throughout your entire cycle.

12-05-2014, 04:55 PM
Ugh so my most recent and awesome anxiety is that im pregnant. I've had this fear for the past two weeks now and it's almost time for my period. I'm so terrified that I'm not going to start and that I will end up being pregnant. With my current health anxieties I just don't think I could handle a pregnancy let alone raise a child. It's highly unlikely that I am pregnant because my boyfriend and I always use protection and we haven't had a condom break but I know that no form of protection is 100% effective. The only reason that I'm afraid I'm pregnant is because I have gained weight recently and all of my pants are too tight now. The weight gain started before my last period so at first I thought it was just bloating but the weight never dropped off after my period. Since the possibility of being pregnant entered my mind I have of course experienced nausea which is probably just normal anxiety nausea but due to my absolute insanity I have trouble differentiating symptoms. Sorry for writing a book here I just needed to vent and ask if any other women on here have had the same issues of being afraid of being pregnant. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and possibly respond.

This was one of my biggest fears when I was younger. I've had my tubes tied now so it isn't a problem (had one child).

The chances of pregnancy - even if you have unprotected sex during ovulation and have no reproductive problems - aren't even that high. Something like 1 in 4? So if you're using condoms and they haven't broken, the chance is very very low.

My first symptom (before missed period) was sore boobs. The nausea didn't start for a while. And weight gain can be anything.

I think you're just getting yourself worked up :)

Bye for now,

12-05-2014, 05:06 PM
Thank you both so much for your replies! They have actually helped quite a bit. I do actually have a period calculator on my phone and it shows when I'm supposed to be fertile so I think from now on I will try to refrain from having sex during those 5 days.
I hate that I can logically know something is highly unlikely and yet still be almost convinced it's true. Anxiety is just so damn annoying!