View Full Version : Risk of Serotonin Syndrome?

12-04-2014, 10:48 PM
I know this probably belongs in the medication section but I know there's a lot of people that stick with the general section so that's why I'm placing it here. I know that none of you guys are doctors but I was wondering about the risk of serotonin syndrome. I've been on 60mgs of Cymbalta for two months for anxiety and depression. I went back to the doctor today for a med check and he decided to prescribe 10 mgs of Buspar three times a day. I'm supposed to keep taking the Cymbalta. I was kind of hoping that he'd just up my dosage of Cymbalta but he said I'm maxed out at 60. Strange considering several years ago I was on 90 mg and nobody blinked an eye anyway that's beside the point.

I've been doing a little research (Dr. Google is a terrible friend) and found that there is a risk of serotonin syndrome if a person takes Cymbalta and Buspar together. I'm trying not to be concerned about it but part of me is worried the doctor didn't check for med interactions before he prescribed it. However nothing was mention at the pharmacy either so perhaps I'm just worried about nothing.

Has anyone on here taken an antidepressant and Buspar at the same time? If so, what are your experiences?