View Full Version : Anyone onlinr?? very scared here

12-04-2014, 08:28 PM
Feel like a real pest posting here again. I feel so scared tonight. My anxiety won't go away mind isn't racing but it's not exactly peaceful. Aside from chronic anxiety disorder and distress I in recovery from anorexia and I'm feeling very very alone. Anybody out there ? God this is a lonely path

12-04-2014, 08:38 PM
Hey there billash,

You are not alone. Nor is this a lonely path. This place is an amazing resource that you can always use to reassure you that there are many—thousands, tens of thousands—who are similarly afflicted with irrational anxiety. Indeed, that's what brings almost everyone here, myself included! It does do me wonders just to read through old posts and realize that many people experience the same crazy thoughts, weird physical symptoms, etc. that I have. Really, it helps me regain perspective and recognize what i'm dealing with for what it is—just anxiety.

If you can find a way to regain that perspective, to label what you're experiencing as anxiety and attribute your racing mind to that anxiety alone, I think you'll be able to find happiness and a reprieve from your worries.

Best of luck to you, and remember—you're far from alone! :)

12-05-2014, 06:19 AM
Feel like a real pest posting here again. I feel so scared tonight. My anxiety won't go away mind isn't racing but it's not exactly peaceful. Aside from chronic anxiety disorder and distress I in recovery from anorexia and I'm feeling very very alone. Anybody out there ? God this is a lonely path

Join a local group. Any group. And begin to feel that what you think, say, and how you feel is valid. Somewhere along your timeline you were abused, and now you feel abandoned, and unworthy. Of love, in truth.

Seek out face to face groups, and join. There through the miracle of synchronicity and the universe, you will heal.


In chance meetings.

You are loved.

12-05-2014, 07:15 AM
Feel like a real pest posting here again. I feel so scared tonight. My anxiety won't go away mind isn't racing but it's not exactly peaceful. Aside from chronic anxiety disorder and distress I in recovery from anorexia and I'm feeling very very alone. Anybody out there ? God this is a lonely path

Hi billash,

Post away!

I know that scared, lonely feeling well. But there is always someone out here. Especially nocturnal people like myself ;) Feel free to send me a private message if you ever want to.

Recovery from anorexia would be hard. Hang in there. It is a lonely path a lot of the time but you are learning a lot, probably without realising it.

All the best,
Gypsy x

12-05-2014, 02:37 PM
Hey there billash, You are not alone. Nor is this a lonely path. This place is an amazing resource that you can always use to reassure you that there are many—thousands, tens of thousands—who are similarly afflicted with irrational anxiety. Indeed, that's what brings almost everyone here, myself included! It does do me wonders just to read through old posts and realize that many people experience the same crazy thoughts, weird physical symptoms, etc. that I have. Really, it helps me regain perspective and recognize what i'm dealing with for what it is—just anxiety. If you can find a way to regain that perspective, to label what you're experiencing as anxiety and attribute your racing mind to that anxiety alone, I think you'll be able to find happiness and a reprieve from your worries. Best of luck to you, and remember—you're far from alone! :)
Hey thanks a lot for the post really appreciate it. Just a bit of a hard Ed at the moment but yeah I will DEFO keep logging on

12-05-2014, 02:38 PM
Join a local group. Any group. And begin to feel that what you think, say, and how you feel is valid. Somewhere along your timeline you were abused, and now you feel abandoned, and unworthy. Of love, in truth. Seek out face to face groups, and join. There through the miracle of synchronicity and the universe, you will heal. Trust. In chance meetings. You are loved. thank you for ur kind words. Much appreciated. Not ready to get out and join a group yet but hopefully soon. Yes it's quite a path but I wasn't abused. Thank you though.

12-05-2014, 02:40 PM
Hi billash, Post away! I know that scared, lonely feeling well. But there is always someone out here. Especially nocturnal people like myself ;) Feel free to send me a private message if you ever want to. Recovery from anorexia would be hard. Hang in there. It is a lonely path a lot of the time but you are learning a lot, probably without realising it. All the best, Gypsy x thanks gypsy yes I'm nocturnal too! It's still very early days so not only is it a learn as u go process it's also very new and strange. Thanks again.