View Full Version : Panic Attacks and always vomiting

07-16-2008, 02:50 PM
Does anybody always vomit with panic attacks?

It stops me from doing things i wanna do. Its rubbish. I cant do anything i would slightly get anxious about, because i'll have a panic attack and vomit. Anyways i wont get into a life story right now.

If anybody has any ideas/tips to stop the vomiting i would be grateful?


07-16-2008, 04:21 PM
I get really sick to my stomach when I have an attack, in fact I joke around and say that I have a nervous gag reflex! I keep ginger with me at all times. I love crystallized ginger for its sweet yet spicy taste and with gingers natural antiemetic properties I have found it helps stop most, if not all of the throwing up problems I have.

Take care,

07-17-2008, 12:29 PM

Thanks more than you know. Could you explain abit more about crystallized ginger? does it really work well?

07-17-2008, 01:53 PM
Ginger is one of the oldest and best remedies for a variety of stomach issues. If you go to drugs dot com and look it up it will give you a lot of the details about how it works and what it does for a person.

It is basically sliced ginger root boiled in sugar until it crystallizes. This is used in candy and food around the world so you can get it at any good healthfood store or online. I literly buy it by the pound!