View Full Version : I called bank yesterday and my phone key pad was not working

12-04-2014, 09:47 AM
So I had to verbally communicate my very private pin codes and acct # out loud on the phone to the bank number. Then I looked after in garage and this guy was on his cell phone. Is it possible that he had some device that scrambled or caused static in the phone lines, knowing he would make me have to verbalize my personal data/ID aloud as he was LISTENING coy lee in our garage? Do they have this type of technology. I called the bank # back and 5 minutes later had no problem, and he was not on his cell phone at that time. Am I just over reacting or do we all have to feel like technology is stabbing us all in the back w/ features that are Breaching our most personal info and interfering as we talk only to be sneaky and therefore Listen as people give must speak as opposed to push Silent buttons for Privacy sake, is what is has been ALL about!!!!!If I feel this insecure, how would a truly wealthy person feel if they had to experience what I experienced on the phone doing tele-checking , unannounced that I was being spied on simultaneously by some friend of my brother whom I had just made a fresh cup of coffee and bagel 4???I feel truly afraid of a SECURITY BREECH but am tired of creating and re-creating secret confidential pin codes for online use, ughhhhhhh!!!!!As it turns out, I called bank and changed my pin #, just to be on the safe side. Later this evening, after a walk I came home and had amnesia. I could not recall the new pin code that I had created to keep my account safe, if I did have a nosy bug on my back. Now I must go on an entire different day and request my pin and create a new one. I cant believe How Short my memory is after being so stressed out over that particular thing. I cant call bank anymore tonight, must go in person. Tried 5x and still could not figure out my new pin code????God I feel stupid!!!!!