View Full Version : You are going to die!!!!

12-04-2014, 09:07 AM
Yes it's true. One day, you will die. And the worst part about it, you do not know when that will be and you can never know. One day all you know around you will end. You will go somewhere else but we don't know where. Everyone you know will also one day die and nobody will ever know when.

But guess what?

We do know one thing. And that is you are alive right now as you and one day you will not be!

We simply have no time to waste and we need to make this life that we have as best as we possibly can! Life will not wait for you to get your act together. That perfect moment will never come because THIS IS IT!

Some people with anxiety model their lives to fit their anxiety and before they know it, 30 years have past living only half of what they could have been.

Time goes by so incredibly fast. When you are young it seems like you have forever and one day you wake up and it's time to go to your 20th year high school reunion.

John Smith
1935 - 2010

The only thing that matters here is what he did during that DASH! That is your life, the dash in between the dates.

YOU SIMPLY DO NOT HAVE TIME TO WASTE! Make your life as best as you possibly can making every day and every hour and every moment count!

Up at the stickies are lots of information to help you overcome this totally lame disorder called anxiety. Seek how you can get better and you will find it. Remember, your life is not going to last forever and one day it ends. Get up and dust yourself off, smile and get out there! Go grab life by the balls and go enjoy it! Live your life and don't give into anxiety! It is a bluff! Chemicals in your blood giving you nasty systems caused by an overly sensitive nervous system. What's so scary about that? Is it worth ruining your life over some stupid body chemicals?

Sometimes you just gotta say FUCK IT!

Those 2 words can be very powerful!

Isn't it time you had enough of being only a fraction of what you were born to be?

Jump on the healing path, use the info in the stickies above on the forum index, and be brave! Walk right into your fears and ACT AS IF you have nothing holding you back until your mind complies!

All the little shit we stress over doesn't fucking matter! We are only here for a short time and then it's over. BE HAPPY! At least be content and make the most of what you got.


There will never be that perfect moment to finally deal with your anxiety or to one day get better. That perfect moment will not come. This is it! Right now! This is all we got! And nobody knows how long they have. Some people worry so much about death they forget to live! Death is inevitable but living a life of anxiety and fear is not!

We should do our best to stay healthy and live long but we also need to make the seconds count and feel good! Life feels good when you really connect to your inner being. Through all the problems in the world, there is always an eternal love within you and throughout you.

Don't wait for things to get better! You have to make it better yourself. It will not come to you. Don't drown in your thoughts. Get up and get out there!

FUCK YOUR STUPID ANXIETY! Push through it every day little by little until it's gone.

So here you are. You are living your dash right now. It is what it is and it won't be exactly as you hoped for or dreamed, but you can make it as best as possible! This is your movie and you are the director, writer and actor.

Make your life, living out that dash, so before that very last breathe you take, hopefully very far down the road and a long time from now, you can take a look around, give one last smile and honestly say, "WOW! That was an awesome journey! What a wild ride that was. My life was great! Thank you!" and end this life feeling like you appreciated it, took it for all it's worth, and be ready to move onto the next journey!

Here we are. This is your life. This is your show. Make it a good one!

No, fuck that. Make it a great one!

12-04-2014, 05:30 PM
I'm with you, fuck it. Quit worrying so much about things you have little control over, quit focusing on what ifs. And if you're worried about your health, start a healthy diet and exercise. This is tried and true. If you eat well and are in shape you'll be fine. Positive body care should always outweigh negative.

Enjoy your life, quit holding back on what you want just because it doesn't feel right. You've put limitations on yourself. Go out and be a freak, party it up. Start a business, write music. It's for you to enjoy not others. Get out there people!

12-04-2014, 06:39 PM
I defiantly read this at work today and decided your right. Of course its easier said then done but i started to feel better. Not that im home i have less to do so the thoughts are crawling back in but im doing my best to say, "its a OCD/anxiety symptom, it will go away the more i move on." So with time i hope i can beat this by myself.

12-04-2014, 06:46 PM
I defiantly read this at work today and decided your right. Of course its easier said then done but i started to feel better. Not that im home i have less to do so the thoughts are crawling back in but im doing my best to say, "its a OCD/anxiety symptom, it will go away the more i move on." So with time i hope i can beat this by myself.

Stick with it my friend. And if you slip, don't get frustrated. It's part of the process. Anxiety comes off in layers. Make mental note that every day you'll get better. Next thing you know you don't need to keep telling yourself that. You'll just BE better. And when you realize you haven't needed to tell yourself that, another layer will be lifted.

12-08-2014, 11:25 AM
Stick with it my friend. And if you slip, don't get frustrated. It's part of the process. Anxiety comes off in layers. Make mental note that every day you'll get better. Next thing you know you don't need to keep telling yourself that. You'll just BE better. And when you realize you haven't needed to tell yourself that, another layer will be lifted.

Said really well! "Anxiety comes off in layers" That is so true! I think pretty much everyone that overcomes anxiety for the most part comes up with the same conclusions.

12-08-2014, 12:51 PM
Well said............... easier said than done but it's well said and i must keep that in my thoughts. Especially since i know for a fact i am more than halfway through my dash. Shit, that last sentence gave me anxiety.

12-08-2014, 08:59 PM
2 goals in life -

Live everyday to be happy as it may be your last

Make a difference in someone's life everyday

Not very hard. Actually enjoyable.

Take me now, take me later. But when you do, let my life touch someone

Pretty simple

12-08-2014, 11:41 PM
The op is fucking gold! Lets make the absolute best of this life! Sitting around worrying about "what ifs" are a horrible travesty seeing that we are wasting precious seconds that we will never get back!