View Full Version : I become too anxious after eating,

12-02-2014, 10:27 PM
I have gained like 8 lbs over the last week and a half. This progressively consistent weight gain has been for the last 3 months. I had been exercising like a maniac every night after dinner. Then the gym started renovating and dust was too much for me. Also around the time of increased exercising I had stopped having my periods. I am feeling flustered now because I cant stop gaining weight since I stopped going to the gym, and doing a post dinner evening walk nightly instead. Now, since the rain has begun I haven't been doing any exercise at all. I feel really extra anxious after eating meals and ironically have been eating tons of junk food and skipping real meals. I noticed that since I ran out of water pills in the past week and a half my weight just slammed the scale flush right to the + 8Lbs side of things. I am extra anxious over this weight gain and all I can do is fast during work and eat light meals at dinner for as long as possible in order to drop weight PDQ.....This feeling of being Out of Control with my body and weight gain is not OK. First I had total control and now so quickly the opposite has happened to me. How will I ever get a grip on my weight ever again. Every time I step on the scale the numbers increase. This is just making me feel totally powerless, therefore making me work even harder to struggle with my weight. Laxatives worked really well for me in my 20's, I think until the gym routine is back in action I will regain Control over my weight gain and my body by using laxatives again. I never suffered anxiety in my 20's when I used laxatives and ate as much as I wanted. Then I will slowly work back into my gym routine and everything will be in Total Control all over again as it was 3 months ago. Yes, I think I have a plan to ,"Get a grip" on my body....

12-04-2014, 06:37 PM
Blue rose. I've seen multiple topics from you, the things on your mind and your fears. I'm going got give you an excellent piece of advice. Just let go. You're producing so much stress within your mind that your body reflects. You've got to learn to let go, if not let go then learn to be more constructive in your thinking.

Don't worry why you gain weight, think of how to realistically manage it and lose weight if need be. Don't worry about your bank info being stolen. Think of how you'd solve it of it did. The worst thing that can happen is you get a new debit card and wait a little bit for your money to be reimbursed to you. You most think forward, not backwards.

12-04-2014, 06:42 PM
Focus your time on achieving things constructively. You'll see that it's such a waste of time to worry about things on such a level. Move forward, see your friends, enjoy your family. If you keep thinking you're miserable and stressed your mind will reflect that. You can do it. Just think of a time when you had too much fun, remember that feeling and believe the next thing you do will bring you that same feeling. Best wishes to you.