View Full Version : Severe phobia of becoming Schizophrenic?

12-02-2014, 06:27 PM
Ever since a panic attack earlier in 2014, i started having this overwhelming fear of becoming Schizophrenic/losing my mind. My mother has it, and i'm constantly in fear that i will inherent it as well. I don't have any of the symptoms, and im constantly checking myself to make sure every thought is a sane one. i managed to over come a 3 month episode of anxiety a few months ago.

However. Reading a Facebook blog about "early signs of schizophrenia" Totally and completely triggered me, and I've been having another bought of anxiety again for the past month. Ever since reading that article, i find myself trying to apply the symptoms to myself every once in a while, which makes me even more anxious. "what if i started thinking someone was following me?" while i drive. and then pick out a random car and think, what if i thought that car was following me? which i Don't, and i understand that i don't actually think that, but thinking those kinds of thoughts terrifies me to the core. Are these intrusive thoughts? I feel i am on the verge of a psychotic breakdown :/

In this situation where someone's parent is schizophrenic, could anxiety just be the beginning for me? am i more susceptible to Schizophrenia now that i have anxiety?
i know the chances of me getting schizophrenia with one parent being schizophrenia are only 10%, leaving me a 90% chance of not getting it, but i just cant shake the feeling that I'm just doomed.

12-02-2014, 06:46 PM
Ever since a panic attack earlier in 2014, i started having this overwhelming fear of becoming Schizophrenic/losing my mind. My mother has it, and i'm constantly in fear that i will inherent it as well. I don't have any of the symptoms, and im constantly checking myself to make sure every thought is a sane one. i managed to over come a 3 month episode of anxiety a few months ago.

However. Reading a Facebook blog about "early signs of schizophrenia" Totally and completely triggered me, and I've been having another bought of anxiety again for the past month. Ever since reading that article, i find myself trying to apply the symptoms to myself every once in a while, which makes me even more anxious. "what if i started thinking someone was following me?" while i drive. and then pick out a random car and think, what if i thought that car was following me? which i Don't, and i understand that i don't actually think that, but thinking those kinds of thoughts terrifies me to the core. Are these intrusive thoughts? I feel i am on the verge of a psychotic breakdown :/

In this situation where someone's parent is schizophrenic, could anxiety just be the beginning for me? am i more susceptible to Schizophrenia now that i have anxiety?
i know the chances of me getting schizophrenia with one parent being schizophrenia are only 10%, leaving me a 90% chance of not getting it, but i just cant shake the feeling that I'm just doomed.


When do you plan to see the doc to get evaluated? Having obsessive anxious thoughts is not Schizophrenic. I have had thoughts that made me think I was going to go mad, but I never did after all.

12-02-2014, 08:07 PM
I just went premium on my insurance at work, and the extra coverage for mental health begins in January. It can't come soon enough.

12-02-2014, 09:09 PM
Hi Nicole,

I had this phobia because my grandmother developed Schizophrenia in her old age (it was actually diagnosed as Schizophrenia not dementia or Alzheimers).

I've had severe anxiety for at least 20 years and I'm still not schizophrenic. I've been through some situations such as drug withdrawal which caused massive anxiety and even then I didn't become psychotic.

Also, my mother is extremely anxious and in her 70s now, and she does not have it. In fact she doesn't even have dementia or Alzheimers.

So those facts should ease your worries a bit. As you say, the chances are only 1 in 10.

Make sure you stay away from marijuana though, because that can trigger schizophrenia in people with a pre-disposition. But I've even smoked that on occasion (I don't like it much so never used it regularly) and not become schizophrenic.

All the best,

12-02-2014, 09:32 PM
thanks for taking the time to reply!

Ill definitely stay away from Marijuana. Ive also heard that it can trigger Schizophrenia.
I hope that i have the same luck as you and your grandmother. Hopefully going to therapy will end my anxious ways. hah.
The fear is very real.

12-03-2014, 10:55 AM
I just went premium on my insurance at work, and the extra coverage for mental health begins in January. It can't come soon enough.

I am pretty sure your mind will be put as ease by the doc. : )

Take care!