View Full Version : Possible anxiety...?

12-02-2014, 03:49 PM

I don't know where to start so here we go.. I'm 16 years old first off I go to highschool I'm an average kid I almost failed freshman year (last year) and am doing pretty well this year. I don't know anything about anxiety I dont even know if this is anxiety which is why I'm posting this. I'm a stoner first of all and I think that's part of the problem. I've been smoking pot for a year now, and I just recently stopped. I think thats a problem because I've been relying on that as an anti depressant and as an anxiety reverser medicine thing I dont know what the medicine is called. Basically from the time I go into school from the time I get out my heart is always racing my arms always feel week, shaky voice sometimes and I don't know why! I never know why I'm so anxious all the time! I'm not afraid of school I don't mind going actually it's just been so unbearable the past couple days to the point I feel nauseous. I also have anxiety when my dad's home I can understand why I feel anxious then. My dad and I don't get along anymore we used to hang out and were practically best friends until we moved into our new house a couple years ago. Ever since then him and I have gone down hill its gotten worse since he found out I smoke pot. He calls me names mostly always looks down on me because I don't try much in school and its been very bad. Ive threatened to kill him and hes threatened to kill me I don't have any emotion for him anymore and it just drains me I'm very depressed because of that I've been neglecting my girlfriend because of depression neglecting my mom because of depression neglecting my school work because of depression (although I don't like homework/classwork) its just slowly eating away my life and I don't know who to turn to anymore.

This is my first post so I'm not sure about the rules since I mentioned drugs and I don't know where to post this so I posted here.
Thanks :D

12-02-2014, 04:09 PM
I've been having panic attacks every day for months..mostly because I dream of death..so I drink..I an a borderline personality too..see a professional..if can get anxiety meds..

12-02-2014, 04:19 PM
Hi Isaiahkiki, Welcome to the forum. I think there must be a time in a young persons life when they don't get along with there parents and believe me it's no cake walk for the parent either, i have been on both sides. My Father and i got in the worse fights over smoking ( pot and cigarettes ). Some advice for you, take it how you want. Stop the pot until your 18 or 21 your brain will thank you. You will still probably have fights with your dad but hopefully you will then grow very close as you age a little. He is probably a little disappointed when he found out you were smoking, i know i would be. He still loves you. Best of luck isaiahkiki

12-02-2014, 04:27 PM
Hi Isaiahkiki, Welcome to the forum. I think there must be a time in a young persons life when they don't get along with there parents and believe me it's no cake walk for the parent either, i have been on both sides. My Father and i got in the worse fights over smoking ( pot and cigarettes ). Some advice for you, take it how you want. Stop the pot until your 18 or 21 your brain will thank you. You will still probably have fights with your dad but hopefully you will then grow very close as you age a little. He is probably a little disappointed when he found out you were smoking, i know i would be. He still loves you. Best of luck isaiahkiki

Yeah..agreed..the pot won't help...have a friend or family member to talk to?

12-02-2014, 04:28 PM
Sorry..didn't see part said didn't know where to turn....ever try a suicide hotline?

12-02-2014, 04:45 PM
Yeah that's why I stopped I wan to wait until I'm 18 or moved out so he won't be mad. But what should I do about the possible anxiety?

12-02-2014, 06:21 PM
Yeah that's why I stopped I wan to wait until I'm 18 or moved out so he won't be mad. But what should I do about the possible anxiety?

Can you talk with a counselor ? That may help you work through it or they can point you in the right direction.

12-03-2014, 05:10 AM
Can you talk with a counselor ? That may help you work through it or they can point you in the right direction.

Yeah I'm getting some kind of therapy soon provided from my high school maybe they can figure my bs out :P