View Full Version : My Hyperactive-Dis Respectful House Roomie makes me nervous.

12-02-2014, 12:00 PM
I have no choice in this matter and have inherited an Unwanted House Mate.

He smokes.

He continuously goes in and out of the sliding glass door, esp in the rain.

Which drags in dirt and unnecessary moisture and stains onto our house rug from the patio.

He has been asked to please walk around the outside, side door to go smoke, if he must.

He constantly dis respects me and continues to use the fragile glass door .

he is physically very big and NOT aware of his own strength.

Each time this fragile glass door is slid open it feels like its going off track.

It's really not meant to be a "Service Door."

It just fills in the gap of where there was before a tougher type of sliding door.

There are these fancy louvers that are supposed to remain closed all day except to let a bit of sunlight in.

But he uses that to continuously enter and exit through this doorway.

I hate not having a choice in the type of person whom would be my House Mate.

This makes me NOT only anxious, but also very angry.

Angry that when my father passed away I was left this burden.

He thinks he can get away with not even having to hear my House Rule about the sliding door.

He tries to act like he is elderly and doesn't have to LISTEN to me and my house request.

But he's NOT elderly, and I am responsible if that darn glass door shatters, or comes off its track from brute force,

or sheer stupidity, rudeness, and arrogance as well as, perhaps a lot of jealousy over our situation.

I did NOT ask to be put in charge of this annoying person, for the rest of the remainder of my ,"Life."

I feel punished, and very ANXIOUS most days and esp at night when I have to compulsively re-check the back door to make sure the idiot locked IT.

There have been at least 5 times when he failed to lock it after sliding it closed and then just pulling the louvers to cover it up.

Yes, this dynamic in my life called Dysfunction is making me feel very annoyed, and anxious over having to be responsible for

these things which are at risk for being ruined by this Annoyingly rude, and arrogant House Mate, "For Life?"

Well that's sure as hell what it seems like.

I am like the Like the opposite of Christ.

I almost died, at 1 point and time in my life, but I Was saved. I came home to reside on Lemony Snicket Ln, and endure slowly, so very very slowly, A Series of Unfortunate Events. These unfortunate domestic events are driving me into a wall, mind first, fast, and furiously too.

Only I did not die and go to heaven; I lived to see how the other side of Paradise resides in the USA. In spite of graduating an"Honors" college student, and working hard my entire life through High School and then College. No, then unfortunately I ended up not ever having a career that allowed me to live the life which, in America is thrown in front of our faces as soon as we switch on the friggen TV set. No I feel like a college grad/Indentured servant to a retarded yuppy pest.

He never had to work so hard as I have. He dropped out of high school, got a good job via cronyism and nepotism working in a cozy lil factory for 12 yrs. Then he got another job the same way after the cozy job was no longer existent. Then he applied for Disability and for the rest of his friggen overly pampered life , gets almost 2k monthly and runs circles round me until I drop dead from misery. I suppose that's what lots of these privileged persons are doing in America, not just him!!!

This is like hell. I survived the tidal wave to inherit a Dysfunctional, miserable existence. I don't earn enough at my job which I had to pass all sorts of tests, and endure panel type of interviews so I could earn a lousy $23,000 a year.

I certainly cannot afford a panel type of maxillo-facial x-ray so I may endure a mouth full of metal to straighten The Almighty Buck, either! And, I certainly can't find a competabul man to marry on my looks alone, and my adult, open, cross bite, with a grey tooth on my front central doesn't make me much of a prospective candidate for even dating a gorgeous man who would come save me from my nightmare fairy tale-less life of existence here in The USA.....

I hate having endured attending a college prep H.S, and then of course college, and being introduced to ALL the treasures and values of The Modern, "civilized" Man's World of Living, only to merely survive from month to month on minimal pay rate for a college graduate. That would be of 8 yrs, hard work, not just the average, "5 yr, tour of yuppy puppy, doo-little but haze, and schmooze w/ your profs, and peers, while attending The Ivy League Pad of Choice."

Every month I feel so frustrated over not being able to re-furnish our filthy asthma inducing rug with a nice new, fresh smelling, clean house rug. Or a kitchen with a stove top range that does not reak of mold the first week of our winter's rain here in CA, USA.......

I also need some new furniture that doesn't have urea on it that destroys the skin on my fragile hands.

I would also like to be able to earn enough monthly to save up for a new car. The car which I currently drive merely gets me from home to work and hopefully back home again, in a very frugal fashion and of course w/o any form of joy or happiness being experienced along the way...

I want what other college graduates have.

I feel bad that I sound greedy, and I feel totally anxious every day having to merely survive my existence, knowing how friggen hard I have worked my entire life.

Most of my life had been attending classes, working retail jobs and attending college classes, then finally graduating from college and taking a breath, opening my eyes and hoping my life would Finally be a Quality 1.

But, I'm still waiting to exhale, and live my life.

Some oppressive factors have changed and even disappeared but others have never improved. I hate this feeling of the unknown. It's even worse if you have worked hard for something and feel like in The End you really have Nothing to show for your efforts in life. Having been the geeky girl w/ the thick glasses all through high school, and picked on by my 2 oppositionally defiant brothers, who somehow both seemed to know how to get by on a smile even w/o braces, because of knowing the right neighbor or friend of a friend.

And knowing I was the girl who never even missed 1 day of Jr H.S or H.S. Not 1 day even????? Who does that??? Only to amount to a pile of horse rubbish or get tripped up on it, along the way, in my path of existence.

While climbing the career ladder and trying to merely survive in society, and not have to ever even consider the possibility of living like a Troll..( I have standards, but my reality doesn't live up to my past life's expectations of what post college life and quality of my life should be like).

And just knowing that I don't have a choice currently, is just shattering to me and my ego.

yes, I have an Ego too...

It's like being pinned to, The Wall" and having to witness a bunch of punks playing a game of Darts or Pin the Tail on The Donkkkey with my Ego!!!

Where are you God, now that I still need your guidance and help, and a miracle even.....it's 1Bluerose68???

And of course i never liked being shoved to the dance floor during my bronze testing session as a 14 year old, virginal female, or when i was run over by a car that left bruises all over my entire body, and me with chronic neck, back and jaw pain.