View Full Version : Interview tomorrow

12-01-2014, 08:00 PM
I have a job interview tomorrow and I'm so nervous! I hope I get the job! I'm terrified and hope my anxiety isn't to bad tomorrow :/

12-01-2014, 11:27 PM
I have a job interview tomorrow and I'm so nervous! I hope I get the job! I'm terrified and hope my anxiety isn't to bad tomorrow :/

I know this is probably obvious but hear me out...
The more nervous you are the worse you do: therefore the more you think about it the less confident you will be for the interview.
Honestly, I have done a lot of auditions for film and public speaking and things and what is my one tip?
Breathe. Just when you get there, breathe, smile, and call somebody. When they pick up, and I'm not kidding, just tell them "I'm here and I'm confident and I'm gonna get this job!"
This works better than you can imagine. Eventually, once you say it, you will start to believe it. Good luck on your interview!

12-02-2014, 01:05 AM
I know this is probably obvious but hear me out...
The more nervous you are the worse you do: therefore the more you think about it the less confident you will be for the interview.
Honestly, I have done a lot of auditions for film and public speaking and things and what is my one tip?
Breathe. Just when you get there, breathe, smile, and call somebody. When they pick up, and I'm not kidding, just tell them "I'm here and I'm confident and I'm gonna get this job!"
This works better than you can imagine. Eventually, once you say it, you will start to believe it. Good luck on your interview!

That's a really good tip.

Head up, shoulders down, chest out. Knock em dead.

12-02-2014, 07:12 AM
My trick when meeting new people or those I feel I need to come across well to is to tell myself how great these people are.

I tell myself they are going to be really nice people, warm welcoming, understanding that I may be nervous. That they will not judge me and that they are someone who it would be great to have in my life.

By doing this I feel so much more open and positive towards them, I'm sure this then shows in my facial expressions and body language and they respond positively to this too. It just seems to make the whole encounter go much better.

It also puts the focus on them rather than on yourself, I feel more in the moment than when I used to constantly check how I was feeling.

Stance and posture is also hugely important too.

Good luck tomorrow.
