View Full Version : Anxiety when alone

12-01-2014, 03:44 PM
Recently I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety when I am alone. I just moved out of my parents house into an apartment with someone from work and it seems to have gotten worse after that. I am losing interest at work and just hate going to my apartment when I'm alone. I was put on Zoloft about a month ago but it made my symptoms worse. A little background on myself-my mother passed away 4 years ago due to suicide and have not gone to grieve counseling for it. I dont know if this has to do with my issues or if I was moving out. I am 22 years old and just cannot seem to find joy in much anymore beside when I'm with my girlfriend. Any help will be appreciate. Thank you in advance.

12-02-2014, 02:23 AM
Recently I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety when I am alone. I just moved out of my parents house into an apartment with someone from work and it seems to have gotten worse after that. I am losing interest at work and just hate going to my apartment when I'm alone. I was put on Zoloft about a month ago but it made my symptoms worse. A little background on myself-my mother passed away 4 years ago due to suicide and have not gone to grieve counseling for it. I dont know if this has to do with my issues or if I was moving out. I am 22 years old and just cannot seem to find joy in much anymore beside when I'm with my girlfriend. Any help will be appreciate. Thank you in advance.

Hi there,

Firstly, did you stop taking the Zoloft? These medications nearly always make symptoms worse at first. You just have to push through it and eventually they help. It's because they alter the amount of serotonin in your brain and at first you end up with even LESS serotonin because the brain is sort of freaking out about what the drug is doing. After a while it settles down and you end up with more serotonin. These drugs (SSRIs) have helped me get out of some serious anxiety/depression episodes, so I recommend people give them a chance.

I think being alone is always difficult for anxious people because you are alone with your thoughts (which are usually not very nice if you're anxious). I prefer to be alone but I need to talk to people so the internet is invaluable.

I'm sorry to hear about your mother. Obviously anxiety/depression runs in the family. Grief counselling might be helpful but not everyone needs it. I'd say seeing a general counsellor first would be a good idea.

All the best to you,
Gypsy :)

12-02-2014, 07:07 AM
I always found my anxiety was worst when I was alone. It's when your thoughts start to go into overdrive and these power your emotions and the anxiety.

It's important to keep as busy as possible, especially making the effort to do stuff with other people.

If I know I'm going to be alone for an evening or weekend I put together a to-do list and challenge myself to get through as much stuff as possible. This really helps, even just completing simple tasks give you a feeling of achievement.

When I start I often feel I have no motivation to get things done, but after I'm busy for 10-15 mins this goes and I want to keep doing things. It makes a huge difference.

Good luck
