View Full Version : Obsessive Thinking Someone Please read :(

12-01-2014, 03:05 PM
Today is a very emotional day for me, I have been crying quite a bit over thoughts of how I am. What I want to ask here is if anyone is going through or has overcome what I believe I am going through. Today was my first day with my consoler. I told him what I had and he believes it can be treated without medication(for some reason I am against medication and the pain i'm going through is really tough). Last night I tried to sleep but managed to get none what so ever. So basically from what I have observed I am plagued by both intrusive and obsessive thoughts. Today even when I was running they still drag me down I feel trapped in my own mind. I make efforts to challenge every single one of them for example, the thought of never coming out of this comes into my mind, I challenge it and say "yes I will I just have to keep going, time will heal it" I don't get the feel good reassurance feeling when I tell myself that. It's like I am my own worst enemy and don't want to help myself out even though i'm trying things to help myself feel better. I'm exercising, making efforts to eat better and now just started meditating. Perhaps the worst is suicide intrusive thoughts :( I can't quit, I can't kill myself, I must go on I'm not sure where I find the strength but I do. I challenge every single suicidal thought that comes to mind but it brings terrible feeling that starts in my stomach. How could I have ever lived so free and now at the age of 20 been brought down by whatever this may be. Has anyone been through this, please I am begging for help. I love you all and If I come out of this some day I will give back to those who need it. Love Dillon.

12-01-2014, 04:12 PM
I am begging for help. I love you all and If I come out of this some day I will give back to those who need it. Love Dillon.

Do not wait, begin to act as if. Give back, immediately in all-ways, whatever comes natural to you. Begin to be of service, help to others suffering. Anywhere, anytime, even as you continue to suffer. The more you suffer, the more you dig in your cleats and give.

The more you give, the more you will be given. The more you will feel love, for example, should you talk another out of suicide, you teach yourself the value of life, you see (new insights, new thoughts). So in giving little, you gain much.

You teach what you have to learn, no exceptions, and so you act on those desires to help while you are learning, and in the process you heal the self, period.

If you think you have nothing to give, than picture what you'd say to a friend should they approach you with your exact condition. What would love say? Do not deny your unique gifts, for no one can give exactly like you, so whatever feels right, do.

Don't just be good, be good for something, and the world will be good to you.

In regards to thoughts, let them go, do not correct, or rebuke or fight. Thoughts change as naturally as the seasons if you do not latch on to them, at least the ones you wish not to entertain. Better to see them as fish in the ocean, observe them and let them swim off. Noticing they have no power, your fear of your own mind will diminish.

Also while giving service or help to others, new thoughts will take their place.

Peace be with you, I do hope you begin to give (try and see how you feel), not as a lie, like self suggestions feel, but because you love.... so much...., period. And in love magical changes are possible.

12-01-2014, 04:38 PM
Thank you very much for you advice and may peace be with you too. I have been very doubtful about everything lately and I hope that this might be something that helps remove that void. I guess one thing I haven't been doing while stuck in my own head was try and help others because i'm so caught up in myself. I will try this every day from now on. Thank you.

12-01-2014, 05:35 PM
You need to spend less time in your head. That won't be a solution to your pain, but it'll provide enough respite so you don't feel like you're drowning. You can get out of your head by breaking the habit of being introspective. You can also do it by, as Mr. Suffering said, learning how the mind and body work, and learning to ride waves, not fight against them.

I know you're against medication, but I urge you to open your mind to it. I do prefer seeing people go the natural way, but when issues such as suicidal thoughts, hopelessness and desperation come into play, I always wonder if perhaps they're in too deep.

People say anxiety can't kill you, that's true; though, it can take your life. I lost a lot of my life to it, and I know people who have lost so much more to it. Perhaps seek the guidance of somebody neutral, somebody you can trust. Open up to them completely and see what they suggest.

Mike Castillo
12-01-2014, 07:12 PM
In regards to thoughts, let them go, do not correct, or rebuke or fight. Thoughts change as naturally as the seasons if you do not latch on to them, at least the ones you wish not to entertain. Better to see them as fish in the ocean, observe them and let them swim off. Noticing they have no power, your fear of your own mind will diminish.

Also while giving service or help to others, new thoughts will take their place.

this is good advice, after studying some MBCT, that is the exact way they teach to take control back of your mind.

Mike Castillo
12-01-2014, 07:28 PM
We can be here for hours talking. Some advice you have read on here is pretty good. I went through a severe nervous breakdown 5 years ago due to all the stress, energy drinks, caffeine and energy/fat burners I was ingesting every day for years. I went to the hospital many times because I thought I was dying. Then as time went on I begged God to take my life due to the torment. I was pastoring while this occurred and I was against taking the meds. I now realize I went thru much unnecessary pain and torment because of ignorance and fear. Yes, I rather not take meds, who wouldnt, but there is a time that it could be very necessary and very beneficial. If you are feeling the way you are, you need to seek help asap!!! Im a pastor, so Im obviously going to tell you that prayer and faith is of essence, its the main reason I am alive. But while you wait for your miracle, there are things you need to do. Feel free to inbox me on facebook or email me if you want me to share with you more. My facebook is: facebook.com/revmikecastillo

Hang in there my friend- it will subside!!!!

Tyler Patterson
12-02-2014, 02:58 PM
Right there with you pal. Everything was great in my life until i started having the slightest of twitches in my leg which has lead me into a terrible downward spiral that seems never ending. I don't know what the solution is but i'll tell you its a roller coaster ride. The ups and downs are tremendous and thats putting it lightly. Take it day by day and be thankful for anything you have.

Mike Castillo
12-07-2014, 08:45 PM
Right there with you pal. Everything was great in my life until i started having the slightest of twitches in my leg which has lead me into a terrible downward spiral that seems never ending. I don't know what the solution is but i'll tell you its a roller coaster ride. The ups and downs are tremendous and thats putting it lightly. Take it day by day and be thankful for anything you have.

wow, did you start having nerve ending pains?