View Full Version : I am totally anxious to eat or drink anything:

11-30-2014, 02:02 PM
I woke up this morning and tried on clothes for this very rainy weather. then I realized that my tummy is so huge and bloated(feels like water)? So I don't fit in any of my cold weather jeans that I wore last year. I don't know if they shrank , as I did wash them and they are made of cotton? But then I became very sensitive to how full my stomach feels, as if bloated or totally chunk-ed up with way too much water in my system. I feel as though someone forced water into me when I was asleep, and it ALL went to my belly area of my body. So I have lost the urge to eat or drink too much right now. I also ran out of my water pills, and as soon as I did is when I noticed the sudden bloating. The only thing I will be eating is very high fiber foods for the next week. I am going to see if I just need to have a bowel movement. This is REALLY scary, not to be able to fit into last years jeans???My period usually has never skipped a beat when my weight has been up so high before. usually its been the other way around. When I have dieted and exercised a bunch then they cease to exist. Now I am just totally confused by my stupid female hormones???I suppose entering menopause is anxiety inducing too...It must be responsible for this loss of Total Control over everything just discussed???

11-30-2014, 05:16 PM
Your nervousness is causing ibs type symptoms. Combined with hormonal changes you can experience bloating and irregular bowel movements. Don't stress of this too much. It'll pass, as will the bloating. Focus your diet on eating generally well not specifying fiberous foods. Your stomach will never be settled if it's stressed. No matter how well you eat.