View Full Version : Huge Anxiety issues help/advice?!

11-29-2014, 05:23 AM
Hey guys so I'm not really used to talking about my anxiety but its really starting to affect my daily life, hell it might not even be anxiety but i just want some opinions or advice so let me begin.

Firstly if me and my GF argue and she hangs up on me (over the phone) or walks away i NEED to chase after her and NEED to get it sorted there and then because otherwise i obsess over it and it will ruin my day(s) until we speak on it again, like i analyse the matter over and over in my head different scenarios of the outcome etc...And then once we talk it over i just completely 180 switch to being perfectly fine.

Its not just with my GF but also if im in trouble or worried about something its like impatience, over analysing, and panic all set in at once to the point i cant sit still my heart gets so much quicker and I literally am just 100 dedicated to worrying about one thing than just focusing on leaving it be until its sorted.

I dunno what to do about it, i have tried taking deeper breaths and relaxing but nothing seems to calm me down.

Any advice anyone? sorry for the long read ;P

11-29-2014, 06:07 AM
Hi rainbow66666, i do the same thing and i don't know if it's anxiety or not but sure is annoying. If i know i have to do something that takes me out of my comfort zone like a funeral i will constantly worry and obsess over it until it's over. Same thing when i have a holiday get together with family or work i just wish it would hurry up and get here so i can get it over and behind me. Same with going to the doc, weddings, my kids school plays, conflicts at works etc, etc. It's got to be some kind of disorder i am sure. I know it drives me nuts :)

11-29-2014, 06:37 AM
Hi rainbow66666, i do the same thing and i don't know if it's anxiety or not but sure is annoying. If i know i have to do something that takes me out of my comfort zone like a funeral i will constantly worry and obsess over it until it's over. Same thing when i have a holiday get together with family or work i just wish it would hurry up and get here so i can get it over and behind me. Same with going to the doc, weddings, my kids school plays, conflicts at works etc, etc. It's got to be some kind of disorder i am sure. I know it drives me nuts :)

I completely understand where your coming from, but its the main problem is when I'm either in trouble or my GF fights with me its that state of "omg everything in my life stops until this is sorted and everything is good again" and i know that is not the right mind frame to have and it makes me a worse person, i become obsessive and just completely selfish until I'm happy which is completely polar opposite to how I normally am...It's freaking me out and i really feel like any help from someone with experience dealing with the issue would be great

12-03-2014, 05:12 AM
Bump... because i really need some advice/help