View Full Version : Social anxiety | How to deal with it?

11-28-2014, 08:29 PM
Hey gang

I don't why, but through-out this whole year, I've developed social anxiety. I can no longer speak in front of others, without having a mini-panic attack. If I'm talking in front of a group of people, it gets even worse. I can't even say the simple things, like my name and age without feeling pressure. This is the reason I quit my last job, it was too much "social pressure" on me.

I didn't have any problem talking in front of others like one year ago. It's gotten worse the last couple of months. I can barely stand up and I just get all shaky and red. I was talking to this girl the other day and I don't know why I started overthinking everything. I couldn't even talk lol.

How do I deal with this? I'm currently studying english and we're going to have a presentation soon and I don't know how to handle it... hopefully I won't pass out!

Any advice or ideas is appreciated!


11-28-2014, 10:11 PM
Welcome to my world Alias, I think the only way to deal with it to attend some kind of program; like a toast master or something like that. People talk in front of the group and after some time of that they overcome the fear and panic and they get better. My daughter was attending that kind of course for over a year. She feels much better when speaking in front of people.

11-28-2014, 11:20 PM
I used to do lots of speeches, and would have panic before them. I would try to find a way, any way to get out of them, but I always had to do them. I would begin with my heart beating extremely fast, sweating, and hyperventilating. I was convinced I'd drop right there, but continued on. I found eventually, about 5 minutes or so in, the panic would subside and I would then enjoy doing the speaking. Just up there, everyone silent with all eyes on me. But eventually it went from horror to fun and didn't want to stop. I asked someone once that saw me speak, if they noticed how nervous I was and she told me she had not idea at all.

My advice is keep doing it and if panic comes, ride it out and keep continuing. Don't follow the panic and let it do it's thing until it fades.

11-29-2014, 06:18 AM
I read an article in collage that a professor gave me because i just could not do the public speaking and in that article they did a huge survey and by a landslide more people fear public speaking than they fear death. On studying english..... good luck with that, i never understood it and i speak it. How can there be letters and word that are silent or two words that mean the same thing, example ; there, their sound the same dif. meaning.

11-29-2014, 09:57 AM
What should I say John? It is very confusing sometimes, especially when I had never hear the word and know it only from books.
Alias It should make you better thinking about it as an opportunity to grow. You are young and will have career, remember everyone is scared of public speaking. :)

11-30-2014, 10:08 AM
I used to do lots of speeches, and would have panic before them. I would try to find a way, any way to get out of them[...]

I get that exact the same feeling lol. I feel like I'm about to pass out any second. Idk, hopefully I'll get used to it or somethings. Appreciate the help.

Welcome to my world Alias, I think the only way to deal with it to attend some kind of program; like a toast master or something like that[...]

Thanks Dahila! :) I'll definitely check it out. Idk if there's a program like that here in Sweden though.

I read an article in collage that a professor gave me because i just could not do the public speaking and in that article they did a huge survey and by a landslide more people fear public speaking than they fear death[...]

Haha yea, it's similiar to the fear of death - when you overthink it, it gets worse. I'm only studying english so that I can continue my optics studies haha :P

12-01-2014, 09:10 AM
Both of my daughters dealt with that too.
But, they had Xanax at the nurses station at school to help them through.
You can't get any medications in Sweden?
Hopes that you can find the help that you need bruh.
