View Full Version : Fear that I might stop breathing | Does this even make sense?

11-28-2014, 06:21 PM
Hey guys.

So recently I've developed this fear that I might kind of "forget" how to breath. A very scary thought, which makes me mini-panic. Does it even make sense? Is it even possible? Or am I just being really stupid?

I had the same fear about swallowing my tongue, but someone confirmed that it's not possible.

Help is appreciated as always.


11-28-2014, 06:42 PM
This is my EXACT fear! Amazing to hear someone else say it too! I fear all the time that I will forget how to breath during a panic attack, or when I get out of breath! I have been told many times over though by medical professionals that it is impossible, and that even if you do send yourself into passing out from hyperventilating your brain will take over and start breathing for you again. Hope that helps you just a little, your not alone!

11-28-2014, 06:53 PM
Good to hear I'm not alone with this :P

I have been told many times over though by medical professionals that it is impossible, and that even if you do send yourself into passing out from hyperventilating your brain will take over and start breathing for you again. Thanks, that set my mind at ease. The fear is irrational, yet I believe it and I fall for it. Happens every time lol.

I know it's irrational because when we sleep, the brain takes over. We don't think about breathing when we sleep, the brain does it "automatically". So I guess no matter how hard we try to forget breathing, it won't happen.

Kind of like trying to use our mind to fly - no matter how hard I think, I won't be able to fly. Funny analogy, but makes sense I guess haha.

11-28-2014, 06:58 PM
Trust me I know the feeling all too well!

11-28-2014, 11:15 PM
Hey guys.

So recently I've developed this fear that I might kind of "forget" how to breath. A very scary thought, which makes me mini-panic. Does it even make sense? Is it even possible? Or am I just being really stupid?

I had the same fear about swallowing my tongue, but someone confirmed that it's not possible.

Help is appreciated as always.


I wonder if this is a control issue. As you know, breathing is autonomic and not dependent on your doing. A guy in a coma can even breathe fine. Just let go and let your body do it's functions, you do not need to control it. What I do know, is in a panic attack, when I would do the overbreathing thing, that is when I ran into those crazy breathing head trips. When I learned about Buteyko breathing techniques and the CO2/O2 balance, this slowly began to stop until I no longer experienced it. The more you over breathe the more CO2 you release, not the more oxygen you get, which screws everything up.

For example, if you start hyperventilating right now, you will start feeling tingly in your hands, dizzy, maybe even get your adrenaline going and heart beating faster. If you really breathe mega deep and fast, you may eventually get tot a point where you feel you can't breathe anymore. I find this to be my body's way of slowing my breathing down to get back to normal.

In any case, just like you do not control your stomach's acid production, breathing goes on without your input.