View Full Version : Bizarre symptom?

11-28-2014, 05:57 PM
Hello all,

I've suffered with OCD since I was a child and also in recent years suffer with more generalised anxiety.

I've noticed a particular symptom that i'm assuming is related (as it doesn't really seem to be "connected" to anything).

I've been having this bizarre sensation, like i'm about to drop whatever i'm holding. It's like I almost feel my hands going weak, and i'm about to completely lose grip of whatever I am holding at the time and I get that sort of drop in my stomach that you usually get when you actually do drop something.

Of course, I never do drop anything. And despite how weak my hands feel and how much effort it feels like it takes to move them, I still can. Sometimes it feels like I can't move my fingers or hands in a precise way - I've tried challenging myself to touch my nose with my finger in the midst of such an "attack" and am always perfectly capable of doing so. It certainly seems like this is something that is coming from my mind rather than it being something physical.

I sometimes get a similar sensation in my upper body. As if my lungs suddenly feel too weak to open enough to breathe. I can still breathe, take a deep breath etc but it just feels like I can't and then I start to feel anxious about it. Or i'll get the sensation that I can't swallow or move my tongue (of course, I can). Only thing i've noticed is it tends to only happen if i'm sitting or lying down.

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?

It's so very weird and I haven't been able to pin it to any trigger in particular. It seems like it's something that makes me anxious rather than the other way around but presumably this could well be more a vicious circle type situation.

I'm currently taking Prozac but have been on them for years before this symptom began so assuming it isn't a side effect...


11-29-2014, 11:20 PM
I'm not a doctor, so I can't say for sure what this is. What I can say is that I have had extended periods where I experienced particular symptoms that were strange, but faded away after enough time passed. To wit: I used to get a nervous twitch in my leg accompanied by pins and needles. It would manifest on a more or less daily basis for a period of about 3-4 months. Eventually it went away. Your "dropping feeling" symptom strikes me as just another case of your nervous system screwing with you, as it tends to do with Anxiety sufferers. I've had so many weird, distressing symptoms from my Anxiety that I can't recall them all off the top of my head. As I speak even, my hearing is screwed up, almost like I'm hearing everything in a digital pattern (super weird, I know). In your case, I doubt it's anything serious. Hang in there! More often than not these things turn out to just be weird nervous symptoms of anxiety that go away on their own. If it doesn't go away after a few months, or if it gets worse, talk to your GP about it.