View Full Version : When you feel like your anxiety has gone too far...

11-27-2014, 10:59 AM
Sometimes I think I am absolutely mental, I get really bad anxiety and paranoia about my two best friends, feelings that they don't really like me and prefer each other to me, fear that they're meeting up without me, and just general paranoid that they don't like me. It's always sort of there lingering in the back of my mind but when i'm stressed it gets really bad and I can't even function throughout the day. This week I got made redundant and a long with the fact that i'm just crashing in a room in a friends house at the moment whilst me and my boyfriend look for somewhere to live, has just made me feel super stressed, i've been stressing about money and I guess that worry has made my anxiety get really bad.

My best friend works in a clothes store and my other best friend told me she had asked her to get her some jeans on discount, all week I have been worried about her going to pick them up, that they're having an evening without me and convincing myself that they're lying when I ask them what they're up to and they say 'going to see my mum' or 'having my hair done tonight'. It makes me feel horrible and guilty that I feel that way because they're my two best friends and I shouldn't be worried about them seeing each other, they're friends too and they don't need my permission to hang out and if it was one of them with anybody else we knew I wouldn't care but for some reason I get so weirded out by them two hanging out together. I feel like i'm in a constant battle in my head between whats logical, and how anxious I feel, i've been texting my friend asking what she's up to tonight because i've been feeling a bit shit and wanted some company and she replied asking 'what was up and that she was so sorry but she has so much uni work on tonight she can't really hang out' I found myself taking it personally like she obviously doesn't care about me even though she's been texting me trying to help?! I need to stop taking everything so personally and stop assuming that everything people do is a dig at me. Has anybody else suffered like this, it's really ruining me.

11-27-2014, 01:05 PM
I don't have any friends.