View Full Version : Over it all

11-26-2014, 05:52 PM
Some days are better than others...today wasn't a good day. I have been on the verge of tears all day. I just keep thinking about how little I have going for me and little I've accomplished. I don't feel good enough and I have no one to talk to because Everyone else is busy living there lives to even notice. The smallest things make me really mad or sad. I feel so insecure. Living like this is so hard to deal with. I can't have normal relationships with people. I've been talking to this guy and I'm always getting upset because of something small.whats wrong with me 😔

11-27-2014, 08:54 AM
Some days are better than others...today wasn't a good day. I have been on the verge of tears all day. I just keep thinking about how little I have going for me and little I've accomplished. I don't feel good enough and I have no one to talk to because Everyone else is busy living there lives to even notice. The smallest things make me really mad or sad. I feel so insecure. Living like this is so hard to deal with. I can't have normal relationships with people. I've been talking to this guy and I'm always getting upset because of something small.whats wrong with me dde14

What's wrong with you is more or less what's wrong with everyone here - anxiety and depression. The thing is, you think everyone is too busy living their lives to notice - you'd be surprised how many of those people are struggling like you. We live in a society that isolates people and we all live in these little bubbles cut off from each other. People pretend their lives are good and "normal" and TV bombards us with images of so-called normality. But most of it is lies designed to make us feel inadequate so we keep spending money.

You don't have to do or be anything other than yourself to have worth. It sounds like you're just in a depressive frame of mind which makes you really sensitive to things people say. It's like everything confirms how "worthless" you are. But you're not :)

Take it easy and be kind to yourself..

11-27-2014, 02:11 PM
I never really thought of it like that, I never stopped to think that I'm not the only person that's unhappy but it often feels like it. I want to get out of the rut so bad but idk how to change the way I think and I want to so bad

11-27-2014, 03:50 PM
I never really thought of it like that, I never stopped to think that I'm not the only person that's unhappy but it often feels like it. I want to get out of the rut so bad but idk how to change the way I think and I want to so bad

I think you do know how to get out of the rut. Unfortunately it's such a deep rut you can't see out of it and you can't probably picture what it's going to be like if you were out of it.

In a bizarre way the anxiety becomes a 'thing' and letting go of it and being faced with the unknown 'no-thing' is scary in itself.