View Full Version : Holiday Scares...Anyone Else?

11-26-2014, 08:49 AM
Hi everyone, I don't post here often but am INSANELY stressed right now about Thanksgiving tomorrow. Over the summer I had the worst panic attack event of my life and have not attended a large get together since. I'm not sure I can even make it tomorrow. I know not going is not good for the cause either but my brain is really showing me bad possibilities. Does anyone else have this issue? I was recently prescribed Xanax to try and help with attacks and it literally does nothing other than knock me out. So I'm not sure how useful it is when out and about if I need to be functioning somewhat.

11-26-2014, 09:47 AM
Hi everyone, I don't post here often but am INSANELY stressed right now about Thanksgiving tomorrow. Over the summer I had the worst panic attack event of my life and have not attended a large get together since. I'm not sure I can even make it tomorrow. I know not going is not good for the cause either but my brain is really showing me bad possibilities. Does anyone else have this issue? I was recently prescribed Xanax to try and help with attacks and it literally does nothing other than knock me out. So I'm not sure how useful it is when out and about if I need to be functioning somewhat.

I would take 1/2 or 1/4 of the xanax to get through thanksgiving. The dose was too strong...

11-26-2014, 02:40 PM
I would take 1/2 or 1/4 of the xanax to get through thanksgiving. The dose was too strong...

Yeah it's a 1mg pill, I've taken half before and still got knocked out. Haven't tried less it's so small to cut. It's a difficult task even with medicine for me.

11-26-2014, 02:44 PM
Yeah it's a 1mg pill, I've taken half before and still got knocked out. Haven't tried less it's so small to cut. It's a difficult task even with medicine for me.

Sorry it is difficult....you are not alone with holiday family issues. I would like to be in the Bahamas.

11-26-2014, 08:05 PM
Yeah it's not even any family drama that may arise I'm literally petrified of having a panic attack at a family gathering again. Especially my wife's side as they don't really know about these issues. The worst one I had was this past summer at my grandmas birthday party in Florida. It just came out of nowhere and after trying to get myself to calm down I had to leave and drove 6 hours back home at 5 in the afternoon.

11-27-2014, 12:39 AM
Yeah it's not even any family drama that may arise I'm literally petrified of having a panic attack at a family gathering again. Especially my wife's side as they don't really know about these issues. The worst one I had was this past summer at my grandmas birthday party in Florida. It just came out of nowhere and after trying to get myself to calm down I had to leave and drove 6 hours back home at 5 in the afternoon.

Don't run away from it or alter your life to fit your anxiety. Anxiety can't hurt you so don't fear it. Just follow these steps when the first feelings arise: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?9512-The-Quick-Guide-to-Stopping-Panic-Attacks

11-27-2014, 05:11 AM
That's a really good post of information. I'll see what I can do!

Thank you

12-01-2014, 10:45 AM
simp, i can relate. My anxiety always goes into overdrive somewhere in early november and continues thru January. I should say my social anxiety comes full force. I only really do family functions not much drama but I am so insecure about my weight, if people will judge me etc. Parties are the worst. I will not attend xmas parties but sometimes work ones are harder to get out of. As for family functions, it is hard to just stay home because people will be like where were you and that is even more stressful because sometimes you don't want to get into that.

After years of stressed out holidays, I have learned that the worst case scenario you are playing in your head (ie you have a panic attack in front of your family) almost never happens, and if it does it is rarely as bad as you think. It would be uncomfortable i am sure and a bit embarrassing but not the end of the world. You really have to be conscious of the irrationality of your worries even as they are making you a wreck. My advice, if there is a function like for work or friends that you would rather not to attend, then don't. For family functions and things you can't get out of, just go. It always turns out better than you thought it would.

I realize I am replying to this post after thanksgiving. Did you attend? How did it go?

12-03-2014, 12:50 PM
Hi sorry for the delay in replying. I can relate very much with some of what you said. It's not even that my family get togethers have any drama, they are fun and I use to enjoy them, but now I also sometimes fear being judged and I definitely can relate to the "where were you" comments. I don't even understand what the real issue is. The panic attack I had back in the summer at a birthday party was more than enough to really cause me to be horrified though. I'm not sure if it's just being scared of having a panic attack around so many people or what.

As far as Thanksgiving I missed my wife's side. :( The morning of was just hectic and I backed out. Luckily she's extremely supportive. Her family also didn't know up until Thanksgiving so it's sort of a relief now that everyone close to me understands. I did make it to my side's dinner though which I actually missed last year so I guess it's better than nothing. I am pretty determined to make Christmas though. I just went to my doc today though and am starting new meds though, they usually take a while with me but we will see. Another battle!