View Full Version : dull chest tightness

Charles Price
11-26-2014, 07:15 AM
I woke up and a cup of tea and smokes a cigarette and I had dull chest tightness it was in the centre, I have this before it's usually behind and underneath the breastbone where you can feel your pulse. Does this sound heart related? like Angina or something? anyone else had this before? last year I had a few ECG's and come back in the clear.
I'm a 21 year old male.

11-26-2014, 07:22 AM
I woke up and a cup of tea and smokes a cigarette and I had dull chest tightness.

Does this sound heart related?

like Angina or something?

anyone else had this before?

You believe smoking is bad for you. So when you do it (and in between) you experience the stress associated with fear. You must start to do things that are best for you. Symbolically. That will ease your symptoms. If you just cannot act in your best interests, then it would behoove you to find out why.

It begins and ends with your closed heart. Shut down > fear, Open > love.

Spend your time on this. Spend time with someone older (or a group), and who you consider wise, and let them teach you, period. That is what you need, council. (local)


An assembly or meeting for consultation, advice, or discussion.

The sooner the better.