View Full Version : Constant Symptoms, being diagnosed with Anxiety

11-26-2014, 04:14 AM
Hello fellow anxietyforum.net world,

I am 20 y/o and for the last 3 months have been suffering what doctors believe to be as anxiety. It started with a slight unwell feeling, tightness of the head and dizziness (mainly when i ate food, weird i know), this prolonged for about a 3 weeks or so when i started to feel quite distant and fatigued as well as constant dizziness and a off balance feeling. I then rapidly got social anxiety and panic attacks which were daily for about 3 weeks or so (the panic attacks never really went away). Been to 2 GP's, had a MRI and seen a cardiologist/done bloods, all of which have come back normal. I am now about 3 months in and have muscle stiffness, extremely tired in the afternoons, dizziness present most of the time, depersonalisation, chest pains, fatigue, blocked sinuses, neck stiffness ect.

I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced similar things to this/could shed any light on the matter regarding is it actually possible for all of this to be caused by anxiety? Especially considering it started with limited to what i thought 0 anxiety and progressed.

11-26-2014, 08:52 AM
Anxiety and stress can cause a lot of those symptoms. I never experienced them at a sudden onset though as they slowly progressed for me over a period of years. Everyone is different though. I would feel comforted somewhat knowing that specialists had looked at me and not seen anything else. What do they have planned next? Is there something stressing you out? Maybe unconsciously? I definitely experience fatigue and chest pains on a regular basis among other things as I am sure most here do.

11-26-2014, 07:35 PM
Hello fellow anxietyforum.net world,

I am 20 y/o and for the last 3 months have been suffering what doctors believe to be as anxiety. It started with a slight unwell feeling, tightness of the head and dizziness (mainly when i ate food, weird i know), this prolonged for about a 3 weeks or so when i started to feel quite distant and fatigued as well as constant dizziness and a off balance feeling. I then rapidly got social anxiety and panic attacks which were daily for about 3 weeks or so (the panic attacks never really went away). Been to 2 GP's, had a MRI and seen a cardiologist/done bloods, all of which have come back normal. I am now about 3 months in and have muscle stiffness, extremely tired in the afternoons, dizziness present most of the time, depersonalisation, chest pains, fatigue, blocked sinuses, neck stiffness ect.

I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced similar things to this/could shed any light on the matter regarding is it actually possible for all of this to be caused by anxiety? Especially considering it started with limited to what i thought 0 anxiety and progressed.

CONGRATULATIONS! You have been diagnosed with anxiety rather than some life threatening illness. If you have done all the medical tests and checkups already that have come out normal to confirm that anxiety diagnoses, now you can work on healing your anxiety, which is 100% curable. So now your goal is to be anxiety free and do the necessary steps to get there. You can read my posts above in the stickies how I did it, or listen to other folks here who have similar stories. Good luck!