View Full Version : Chickened out on my annual Biopsy,yikes WHY???

11-25-2014, 07:25 PM
Well, ochy mama , it hurts to have something done to a person annually. Especially if it's not REALLY NECESSARY. I mean last year my gyny checked via blood test and a biopsy for cancer. Thank God, no evidence of it. But annually, nope too painful. So we are keeping a watch on my fibroids. Went from 7 to 4 of them so far. Thank God, they are leaving on their own. So pray that all my fibroids leave me 100% alone eventually, Amen...P.S, the numbing part is the worst part, if anyone else gets one request an IV it really would help w/ the pain and anxiety too...

12-04-2014, 04:27 PM
Maybe it'd help if you got the biopsy only when you feel you really need it? My perspective on visiting the doctor and doctor-related anxiety is: well, better to get it checked out... if the doc says there's nothing to worry about, what a relief! And if by chance the doctor finds something, it's always best to discover it sooner rather than later. Not that you should ever anticipate that outcome! :)