View Full Version : Help needed urgently.

11-25-2014, 01:42 PM
Hello, so I've just recently lost my job which has caused my anxiety to go bad again.

My issue is I keep having to eat, it came out of nowhere, it happened at my last job, but it was fine as I worked in a office so could eat when I wanted to. So I have my breakfast at 8am but two hours later im hungry, I start to feel faint. I know it's bscsuse I need food as in better afterwards. But it has to be like a meal like porridge or something.

I'm fine after I have my lunch and tea too as that filled me up. But I'm wanting to apply for jobs that aren't office based. But if it's saybin a shop I can't just eat whilst I'm at work as I'll be on the go. Then I feel really Ill again. The thing that makes me think that it is not anxiety is when I wasn't anxious I still had this need to eat. I have snacks in between meals too. I went to the doctors a few months back got my glucose, and sugar levels done also tested for my thyroid but all came back positive and the doctor said to just eat regularly and eat full filling foods.

Thanks for your help.