View Full Version : How long does your attack(s) last

07-14-2008, 04:48 PM
I am curious to see what other people suffer in terms of length of attack. While I knew medically the initial attack is often short due to the bodies inability to keep the fight or flight response going, how long does it take for your mind to stop racing and the thoughts of your empinding (sp?) doom to go away.

My attacks are really short, seconds actually but the aches in my chest and the breathing problems will last for hours unless I can manage to take something or come up with a suitable distraction.

07-17-2008, 07:13 AM
Alrighty people. This is something I am really interested in so if you read the post please take the 30 seconds to answer the poll. I would really appreciate it.

Take care,

07-19-2008, 01:13 PM
My attacks are fairly short. I know they are coming, and can't stop them yet, but they last 5-15 mins.

07-20-2008, 09:52 AM
God I wish my attacks were short. I had one today lasted around one hour, but then I'm shaky afterwards. In fact I really need to work on that side of things. Have one, get over it, and forget about it. Instead of depressing myself wondering why it happened in the first place.

07-20-2008, 03:34 PM
God I wish my attacks were short. I had one today lasted around one hour, but then I'm shaky afterwards. In fact I really need to work on that side of things. Have one, get over it, and forget about it. Instead of depressing myself wondering why it happened in the first place.

I know what you mean.

I'd wake up with tightness in my chest and back. I'd be 'checking-in' on my pulse and giving myself palpitations through constant worrying about my cardio-vascular health. This would last all day, with one or two panic attacks daily.

It would take hours for me to 'come-down' to a state approximating a normal state. It left me knackered and continually fatigued.